Maybe some perspective might be of use to me. I’m transitioning out of the service and I’ve positioned myself decently to be competitive in the market. I’ve got two offers from great companies. Biotech and Healthcare, both on the Human Capital Team as an Employee Relations Consultant. I have a graduate degree pursuing a Doctorate, LSSBB, ScrumMaster, SPHR, and PMI-ACP certified. I know this is personal and dependent, but what should I be considering as a commensurate salary?
Anyone else looking for a stay-at-home husband?
D3, there called honeymoon.
I was a stay at home dog dad for almost 3 months. It was a magical time.
Got high on the outdoors!!! We (dog and I) went to dog parks or hiked or long walks every day. Did all the house stuff, drove my partner to work when she wanted. I did a ton of cycling and meeting people in the local road bike community (this led to a job). I was living off savings I had for those months so still splitting expenses 50/50. We had much less back then, but it makes things simpler in a lot of ways; it’s a time I remember fondly.
Mine is and it’s rad.
He has previous 401ks that are still earning plus some legal gig work and managing a house rental to supplement. It’s not much but having him home to manage kiddo and the house is so worth it for our sanity. Once kiddo is in school he’ll probably find more regular work. My D healthcare is pretty comprehensive, and taking out the cost of daycare makes it very financially helpful for us.
I’m a wife but wish I was your husband
My husband quit his public interest job to start his own law firm with the expectation that he work very little and be primary with kids and house stuff at the start of this year and it’s been fantastic. I’m lying in bed as he deals with the breakfast crowd right now :)
Dang I shd have found OP! Want to be a stay at home husband :)))
Visual Storyteller
Do it if it works for both of you
Rising Star
What’s the new income? If it’s $250k+ then definitely doable and you can still save a lot. I would be uncomfortable at $150k or less because kids can surprise you with how expensive things can be
We're both sterilized, so thankfully we don't have to worry about that expense!
Any good relationship is based firmly in good communication. Just have the discussion and agree to a plan. You have to both enthusiastically agree to such an important decision.
I’d be happy to be a stay at home husband. Inquiries welcome.
I will agree, only if you don’t wfh 🤣
I wish it was that simple 😝
I don’t understand if wants or not. You mention his ambition, which makes me think he does not want to. In that case, you should not force him to change
Ok makes sense. As long as you take care in not pushing him towards this decision, there’s no harm in bringing it up. I just wouldn’t like the idea of my SO making me feel like she is taking charge over my life because I would never do the same to her
My wife became stay at home when we moved but she got bored out of her mind and went back to work… ironically she doubled her salary because she went from FT nurse to contract nurse so that was a dope surprise. In your situation might be the same, only way to find out is try it, the way we justified it was finances and being able to have off for certain holidays that were coming up (no real factors outside of that)