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Hi please help me out on this .
I joine pwc ac banglore last year 25th sept 2021 and i am planning to resign in next couple of weeks .i will be completing one year on 25th sept 2022. Will I get the bonus payout which will be payed in sept salary
I want to quit due to stretched working hours, insensitive behaviour or work culture plus they just gave me 5 percent hike besides being a top personal time
Hi fishes...
Can anyone tell me about the training given in hashedin for lateral employees.
Is it only assessments or is some sort of training also given? And what is the difficulty level?
Will the instructors help the employees....?
Any information will be useful...🙂
Thanks in advance!
Hashedin by deloitte Hashedin technologies Deloitte Infosys Tata Consultancy IBM
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That feeling is because you newly entered the workforce. My strong advice is keep yourself prepared.
1. Identify what industry is your company
2. Check who are the top 2-3 competitors
3. Check their website and if possible product line and identify their design (website, product etc)
4. Identify how your company website and product/ service offering design
5. Compare between 3&4
6. Keep making notes and check with your reporting manager
Don't panic :) You just have jitters because you're new and afraid of making mistakes but we all make mistakes in the beginning. It's expected. Maybe ask your mentor what first mistakes people make the most and how you can avoid them. That's a place to start.
Rising Star
My boss, whom I also know from my first stint here a long time ago, said to me (and says to all new hire direct reports): “You’re going to feel like an idiot for the first six months. And at the end of six months you’ll look back and say, ‘Wow, was I an idiot!’ It’s OK - everybody does.”
Big congrats on landing the role :) I think we all felt a bit of anxiety entering the workforce, questioning whether or not we'll be good at what we're doing. Just know that you've got this, and that you have a support group of fish out here in this sea :)
Well first off, congrats on taking abig step to overcoming your fear. You're still going to get anxiety starting off whether or not you're an introvert. Take it slow and try not to take on more than you can bear!
We’ve all been there! The truth many of us don’t realize in the beginning is that nobody actually knows how to do the job we’ve been hired to do. All the training and education just adds tools to your tool belt, but you won’t actually know when or how to use them in a practical sense. Be patient. Be a sponge. Most importantly embrace the uncertainty and just try. The more you try the easier it will become.
On behalf of the design community, we believe in you!
Impostor feeling is totally normal for anyone who starts a new job. Be curious, learn and in a couple of months you’ll be a lot more comfortable than now! Congrats!
Firstly, congratulations on your first role! You have done it this far you sure have the ability to continue and excel.
If this makes you feel any better, I am in my second role after graduating and I still panic when something is not going right and have the imposter feeling. But I keep trying to remind myself “you’ve got this. You are in the role you always wanted to be in. Just believe that you’re doing good and learning something new”. It’s very important to talk positive to yourself in such times when you start to feel doubtful about yourself :)
Beat advice I ever heard:
“Fake until you fake it at a higher level”
PM1 gave good advice.
But your company knows you are new. Often times I'm tech, they say it could even take y no the for people to fully get up to speed, so don't worry I am sure they'll understand. Also, if they hired you, then you have the skill they are looking for. Also you can look to experienced employees for guidance and opinions.
Fellow introvert who also took an agency job a decade ago and…love it!
It’s really helped with my awareness of my skills and honed my EQ. I had the IQ, but agency life has pushed me to hone both skills and be even better.
I still can have imposter syndrome even though I’m a pro. So don’t worry about it. Do two things:
1) Take time to be mindful of things you learn each day. Write them down in a list. Read this list when you feel imposter syndrome and it’ll remind you of how far you’ve come.
2) Learn what to say when you don’t know the answer when on the spot with a client. Your mentor at the company should be able to help with that. They may have ways they prefer you handle the situation. For us, it’s okay to say you aren’t sure but that you’ll ask around internally and follow up (specify when).
You got this!
Everyone has imposter syndrome, power through it friend!!
I was thinking the same thing, like welcome to the club haha!