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Stg if I hear one more person say “high level”….
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But seriously, how do you convince someone to give you that first HCP job?
I’m hearing all the same arguments I used to hear with general pharma, and when I finally got my first gig I found the learning curve was no worse than several other jobs I’ve had. I also enjoyed it more than I ever expected since I dig science. There’s got to be a way.
As someone writing for HCP right now I agree with you. You learn on the job. Only freelancing is where I can see an issue since we hire freelancers to come in and immediately start getting shit done.
Asides from clueless recruiters you also have CWs in pharma who have a hard science background (ie: not really creative, no concepting skills) who look down on us who aren’t “experienced.”
Funny isn’t it? A few years back, us consumer creatives were like unicorns to pharma recruiters. Maybe they got tired of us coming into their agencies and burning through their freelance budgets. Or maybe they just started to accept that they don’t need our style of concepting to make pharma work.
Not-uh. When I was interviewed I told them I had 0 experience in pharma but they liked me enough to hire me anyways ;)
Do you have any healthcare spec? I’d get on that
“Conceptual HCP Writers” is the biggest oxymoron I’ve seen lately.