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Hi everyone would like to know the current salary slab for a person who shifted from Siebel developer role (1yr experience)to Salesforce developer. Have been self learning and will get certified.
Would like to know how much should I expect as someone new in salesforce development if I change company .
Which agencies are open this week? 🙄
Additional Posts in Personal Investment Chatter
Thoughts on pltr, nio and ICLN for this dip?
This Pton is looking real good right now
ETFs...yay/nay and why?
I put it in USDC, gets me 10% and can get it whenever. I dont pay down more than 40% of property value. Keeps lawsuits away and cash returns high. Once I have 20% for the next + cash reserve we buy another property — rinse and repeat
How do you get 10% on USDC?