Runners: do you stretch before a run, after or both? How long do you stretch for?

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Foam roll and dynamic stretches/warm up before running. Static stretching and foam roll after.


Foam roller is 🔑

Both. At least 10-15 mins

Both. Usually 5min before and 10 min after...or until I get too hungry and prioritize food over stretching.

YouTube! Watch career runners and their stretch plans. Before/after and on off days. 15-30 min

YOU HAVE TO STRETCH BEFORE AND AFTER! Coming from someone who got bad shin splints when she did not !!!!!

Dynamic warmup before. static stretching after.

Warmup before with things like pushups, pullups, and abs to get the body moving. Quick stretches like touching the toes. Full body 10-min stretch routine after

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