Saw a friend today who is an IVF veteran and asked her advice going into my first retrieval: “the goal is to stay married.” It hit hard. This has already been so difficult on our marriage and I’m not even on stims yet. I came home and immediately searched therapists. Any other truth bombs this weekend?

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I agree with your friend. I’d add that you each need to have your own independent sources of support (friends, family members, etc.) and therapists if possible. Each individual reacts differently during the process and you may not be able to give each other the support you need. For me, the hardest part of this has been my husband’s emotional reactions. Supporting him on top of my own emotional needs is so draining, and I’ve had to explicitly say that he needs to support himself because I literally can’t. We’ll be having many more conversations about this before we progress any further.


Well said! Husband and I have our own separate therapists and we both started upon recommendation from our RE. It has helped us save our marriage during IVF for sure but also during pregnancy and post partum.


Agree, it's incredibly hard emotionally, physically, mentally, and financially. However, if you want a positive outlook, going through IVF brought my husband and I much closer.

It took clear communication to each other of both of our needs / stressors during the process, but going through a journey like this with someone can make you stronger!


The hardest part of IVF is the emotional. Finding a support group is very important, whether it's family, friends, or even strangers that go through the similar process. Have a candid conversation with the SO about goals, when to continue, when to stop seeking treatment, how to handle positive and negative news, I can't stress enough that communication is so important in relationships, especially during IVF. And honestly, one step at a time, this is not something you can rush, it can take 3 months or 3 years. The goal of IVF shouldn't be "stay married", it should be you and your significant other to have a common goal of wanting a baby, and it's ok to accept the fact if it doesn't happen. Lastly, have a bit of a light hearted approach, make jokes, it helps so much along the way. Ladies, you are stronger than you think and you can get through this! ❤️❤️❤️


This resonates with me! We struggle to be on the same page emotionally… my husband is very compartmentalized and only focuses on the immediate now, I’m a basket case of emotions on all levels all day long. We try to communicate but it’s a struggle. We’ve done three IUIs and are starting IVF stims next week. I’m so scared for all of those hormone fluctuations and my mental capacity! The other day he told me I have a bad attitude, I started blankly at him and said, “damn right I do and I have every reason to be!” The audacity. I hope one day things get brighter again!


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