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Pay is huge, but work/life balance and culture are bigger factors. It doesn't matter how much money you make if you don't have a life outside of work and/or work for a toxic company.
They’re all so important. I left my last company quickly due to management and culture issues I didn’t identify during my interviews.
Luckily, this all happened during the Great Resignation. I actually didn’t get asked about why I was leaving in any of my interviews but I did volunteer to the HM that I was in a bait and switch situation with the company I was with at the time. (Definitely worded it more artfully but wanted to make sure I delivered the truth.)
1-2 years is the standard time people stay these days. Unless a company is going out of their way to look after employees, this is actually a good run
No matter what anyone tells you, pay is always the motivating factor for work period...Maslow's hierarchy of needs. If people do leave a company due to culture, lets say, for a job paying less money, it's because they can afford to do so (i.e. they have a working spouse, their mortgage is paid off, etc.).
No matter what, we all have to have money (pay) to survive...all these other things are luxuries as it's only been recently that we have come to even be able to consider work environment, management, and culture in our decision making process. 50 years ago if you asked what the culture was like at an organization during an interview, the interviewer would have probably looked at you dumbfounded because no one cared back then, as it was a job and a paycheck, they probably wouldn't even have known how to answer the question and what you were even talking about. Truly, we really are a spoiled society when we can even consider these things now as important aspects of our job that were not even thought of back then or at the very least, were trivial.
Bottom line, it's all about the money!