Self 25F and spouse 31M - no kid yet but planning to in the near term. Just got quoted for life insurance $70 and $100/ month for each 2M coverage. Is the quote reasonable?

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Shop it around on policygenius if you want to


Sounds reasonable to me. Is that a 10-yr, 20-yr, or 30-yr term policy?

30 yr


For comparison, 36M got $1M for 15 yr for $26. Used policy genius to compare

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I got an IPF rating of 4.33. My previous band was A and was promoted to Digital Cadre via Wings1...

Does that mean atleast I won't get C band this year?

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Yoe - 2.9


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About to be manager level at MBB, and pretty miserable. I have about 500k in investments, 350k of which are in Roth accounts. If I just want to have 200k plus in retirement income inflation adjusted and make the jump to industry for a ~250k exit, can I retire by 50?


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Let’s say you have two young, high income partners in a couple who want to buy a house together but don’t really care to get married. They already live together in an apartment but both want to move to a house to build equity and have a yard, not share walls, etc. Should one partner buy the house and the other pays rent until they get married, or should they get a mortgage together without being married? I realize there isn’t a “right” answer but I’m interested in people’s experiences here.


If I have only enough income to invest ~6% (to max company match) pretax currently (working on paying off credit cards I racked up over the years, as well as saving for a ring and house), are regular 401k contributions or roth contributions a better idea?


Have my fathers Ira passed down to me due to his passing a few years back. Can I transfer the assets into my own account or can I move them to my own Roth IRA (pay taxes on the gain)? Want to simplify and have less accounts


Got back some money I was owed. Roughly 10k. Considering tax year is almost over.. do I put it all in my TFSA, RSA, or the market?


What platform do you guys use to invest in fractional shares? Motif, Stockpile etc



Which platforms do you folks use to buy money market ETFs, corporate bonds etc?


32, married. Have tried to keep expenses growing slower than income over time and have been able to sock away a good amount. Really don't feel like I need to spend more to be happy, so goal is to get to a net worth where I feel I can do everything I want (mainly traveling) and give my kids a good life so they can do whatever they want. Feel like I need 7.5-10M to feel comfortable doing this and think this could occur around age 40-50. Anyone successfully done this and taken foot off the gas?

Post Photo

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Are there industry recognized benchmarks that you would recommend?
I'm trying to avoid weighting existing Equity only or Fixed Income only benchmarks.


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I don't agree with Dave Ramsey on many things but there's one thing that really made sense.

He says keep your investments mostly in equities even into retirement since you can take advantage of the market while retired since you don't plan to withdraw everything all at once. You also have to keep 3-4 years of expenses in savings in case of market downturns.

In retirement, when the market is high, withdraw from the market. When the market is low, withdraw from savings and replenish. Thoughts?


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I recently started investing, and have about $20K in ETFs, MFs. With that I still have $80K+ in my bank accounts which I slowly plan to move into my brokerage account. How fast or slow should I transfer these funds into my brokerage account?
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