Seriously wanna divorce my wife who’s not necessarily a bad person but I feel angry about her all the time. I always have to fight with her over the small things. I feel she’s playing a power game and trying to take control whenever she gets the chance.

The only moment she steps back and be the person I want is when I get really angry and she can sense it. Why do I have to do this every time to get peace?

No kids, but even I am not afraid to divorce, I don’t feel it’s worth it!

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Thank you guys! Writing helped me get my ideas much clearer. I will probably see a marriage counselor and try to fix this or end it for good! Happy new year to all of you


Ever considered just letting her win some of the arguments? Sounds like you too feel the need to always “win”.

Honestly, she wasn’t. I did not know she a controlling type. I am not sure if all woman are like this. I noticed she submits to power, and I really don’t have the time to micromanage someone especially my wife.


I mean u don’t have kids and you are saying she’s not the person u want. So divorce seems logical

I do too feel like this and I am not married, and one of the main reasons it's so hard to end things is because of the financial harm on her and the emotional harm on the both of us... It's so difficult, she doesn't talk to any of her family members so I feel the responsibility to take care of her.

What are these fights over? Do you guys have a misalignment if values?

Dude WTH, this is exactly me, she doesn't have a a job and expects to have kids... I want someone who has the drive to work and be ambitious (in a positive way), hope things get better for you man!

It sounds like you didn’t really know her before you married her. How long were you together before you got hitched?

Unfortunately I would say yes. She never lied to me, I just did not take enough time to know her. We were dating for like a year and then we got married since 2019. We never lived together before marriage.

My mismanagement of the relationship and immaturity was a reason why I ended up like this. I should admit we both were not emotionally and psychologically mature. She also once told me that she really keep thinking that she got married early and could not have enough “experiences”. I knew at that moment that she kinda wishes to end the marriage.

I respect her and can’t deny her genuine love to me and her contribution to my personal/professional growth over the past 4 yrs but if I find a way to make sure she will be “financially” ok after divorce and can start a new life. I will do it tbh bc I don’t think I can accept her flaws on the long run and I am not sure she will change.

Maybe I am a bit biased and think the grass is always greener on the other side. The feeling of guilt and fear of regret are both clouding my mind for taking the decision to stay or to leave

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