Settle an argument... how often do you run the dishwasher?

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Like every day or every other day


Same. This is for two adults.

As a single person - I try to just hand wash stuff right after use. Seems easier.

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Oh, you mean the extended drying rack?


Have been in my apartment for 2 years and I’ve never run my dishwasher. Only use it as a drying rack.

My wife believes the dishwasher is just a fancy drying rack so never - we hand wash everything


3x a day. Kids eat a lot.


Is that the drying rack with weird knobs and buttons?


A1- my parents said the dishwasher wastes water and and uses up too much electricity. Lol

When I lived by myself, 1-2x a week. With two people now (plus WFH), 2-3x a week.


When it’s full or I’ve run out of dishes


Every night.


When it gets full. Sometimes it’s a day, sometimes 2-3.


Split hand wash and dishwasher. 2 adults, every other day.


Jesus Christ, we run it 2 times a week lol

2 adults


Why is this so upsetting?
We run ours daily/every other day for 2 but it’s a small dishwasher. Doesn’t seem out of the norm


Every day during COVID
Once or twice a week before


Whenever my wife runs it. It’s just easier if I don’t suggest any improvements to her routine.


OP what are your positions on the issue? Curious


I thought every day during quarantine in nyc makes sense, but others thought that was excessive. Glad to see so many perspectives


2 kids and 2 adults. We run it daily.




1 adult, every day. I also cook dinner every day thanks to lockdown, and put the pots in the dishwasher. My dishwasher has a “half load”
Feature but I rarely use it.


2/3 times a week, definitely depends on the level of cooking- 2 person household


I’m Asian... so never 🤣


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