I love my boyfriend more than anything in the world. He truly is a loving, amazing, caring, and compatible (with me) human being. I think of and bring up future problems that may arise (ex: his family being too conservative and controlling, money awkwardness, handling kids with two high powered careers, etc.). Am I being responsible/forward-looking or am I just ruining a really good thing?
Hey I used to have this problem. Not nearly as often as your family member it was usually once or twice a year for me.
Doctors couldn't find any reasons but all I could think of was it was caused by underlying anxiety not always apparent to me. It has stopped happening for the past few years.
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Yes, but not nearly as often as your family member. I’m a generally anxious person but it only happens with medical stuff (getting blood drawn, any sort of invasive test, etc). Doctors have just referred to it as vasovagal syncope, something “off” with my vagal nerve.
You may want to get them some help. A pathological study can tell if it is physiological or neurological. Get another opinion.
I blacked out due to taking more Xanax than I should have + no sleep for 2,3 days, and I went missing for several hours.
I am learning how to forgive myself and move on from this, as my family/friends/loved ones already did and have been beyond great about it.
But it still nags me, for the grief and worry I caused to them that day.
I’m not sure why, but the vagus nerve comes to mind. Googling “vagus nerve fainting” turns up results for vasovagal syncope. Maybe this is an avenue to explore.
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Thanks folks. Encouraging. Just trying to get her to focus on anxiety. She has too many people that aren’t doctors giving her advice which annoys the shit out of me