Sitting here, three double IPAs in, realizing I have no friends. Officially a “campus” hire from grad school and moved to a new city with job offer. Didn’t even consider how consulting cont.

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OP, if you don’t already, i recommend living in a nicer apartment building with lots of amenities (like a pool) and people your age. i was in your situation and it took some months, but i did eventually develop a group of friends of people i met in my building and through them


OP - for better or worse, this is real and making friends as an adult sucks, and we all lose friends too fast. Just know that it’s a common theme so don’t beat yourself up about it. Time actually fixes most things, the longer you are in a place, the ecosystem develops. Take it from an immigrant who moved to a country without speaking the language.

All the other suggestions are valid, but I’ll give you what I think is the important one. Prioritize your old friendships and relationships as well. Call people on the weekends, send that email note to catch up, go make that weekend trip. You need relationships, and just because they aren’t local it isn’t the end of the world.


Would make findings friends so hard. I’ve always been friends with coworkers, but not only do many in consulting not like that idea, my team members, whom id personally call my friends, are all in different cities. Outside of school or work, I don’t know how to make friends 😞

Where are you?

Appreciate the encouragement!! I get in my head a lot and I’m also an extroverted introvert, so it’s so much easier to talk myself out of doing something like a meet up. But sometimes, like tonight, I realize how lonely I really am. Mostly I just dive into work and avoid thinking about it but I took a family vacation this week, which turned into a stay still because of the hurricane. So it’s been a very quiet week.

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