I’m depressed. Nothing unique about my depression - I’m in big law, my career defines me, when I’m not working I can’t find the will to get off the couch, I’m sad or I’m numb…I know I’m the only one that can make a change to my life…I’m on antidepressants. Just extremely unmotivated and paralyzed. Self-help books are not for me, but I am curious - has anyone tried a guided depression/anxiety journal? Any recommendations if so? Or, if you have experienced the same, what steps did you take?
life into my hands but how do I navigate working late hours and unnecessary travel. I am now being asked to complete a task on the flight to client site. There are no boundaries for my bosses and I have been sick/tired physically over the past couple months. I feel like giving up now as my head is constantly hurting and now I also have tummy issues. I want to put my foot down and I think this is the right time for that. Any advise on dealing with this? I want to quit real bad but it’s not an option.
Can you discuss this with manager / bosses? HR? Try to take care of yourself eat healthy sleep more do things that relax your mental state and put you in a better place