Hi fishes, my previous employer has not given me the money for Earned Leaves, they are saying it's not in their policy.. I have a variable bonus of 100000. Out of this they have given only 19,000 in the month of December after 6 months of joining...But they are not giving me any bonus after completing 1 year and 2 months.. They have stopped my appraisal as well...
So in total, I lost my appraisal money, bonus and Earned Leaves money... I feel betrayed and cheated...
What should I do ??
- Portion control (eat till you’re almost full, don’t stuff yourself. Try intermittent by skipping breakfast)
- Weight/Resistance training 3 times a week (can find good schedules online)
- high intensity Cardio 1-2 times a week (YouTube videos, running up a bunch of stairs)
- Up protein intake (take supplement shakes) and reduce carbs (less rice, chapatis, potatoes etc.). I don’t think you need to eliminate but change % composition in each meal
I got from 95 to 75 in 6 months of covid, no sugar bakery cakes, eat light breakfast, lunch.dinner is soup or sandwich and run for 30-40 minutes daily except on sundays
Keto + IF (at least 15:9).
Not 39, but was 110 and came to 90 and stayed there after stopping keto. Planning to go back in 2 weeks to get to 80 - expect to get there in 6-8 weeks + 6 more to sustain and transition to low carb lifestyle (I hate calling them diets because you need to think of it as a lifestyle change to sustain the mindset - that's just me).
Desi keto is not as hard as people say it is. Desi veg keto is slightly difficult but tons of recipes floating around that you can use - Paneer, tofu and almond flour are your best friends (eggs are the bestest, if you can include them)
Rising Star
keto is not for everyone .It will do more harm than good if you blindly start it without a full check up and doctors consultation. my brother suffered badly because of keto...it is very important that you get the blood test done and kidney has to be super healthy..if your urine test shows protein even in very small traces you are directly stabbing your kidney by doing keto...ketones attack kidney & liver heavily...unless you have been certified by doctor do not start keto...a normal low carb ( 100-150 gm ) should be good enough to lose same weight...without going into ketosis.....
A lot depends on your height as just the weight won’t tell the whole story and severity of the problem. Assuming you will account for that, cut/reduce carbs (rice, potatoes, roti), eliminate/ significantly reduce sugar and sodas and drink lot of water. Eat protein - dal, vegetables, chicken, fish. Then just start some kind of exercise. Anything is better than none so don’t go nuts right away. Walk, jog,run,cycle but do it consistently. Ideally want to slowly add cardio and weights but would suggest waiting for a month. Treat it like a marathon not a sprint. Look for the long term..
Thanks, am 183 cms tall
How tall?
M1: Cracked me up.
Abe pishvi mein ghadi karke dalu kya? 😂😂
I would recommend working with a nutritionist/dietician. Food choices single handedly make a huge difference. I have a good friend who gives nutritional counseling for Indian food. I can connect you if you want.
Rising Star
Eat healthier Indian food. Understand what protein, nutrient sources and what’s good for you. Eat more fresh fruits and veggies.
And give up on milk. There so many better healthier alternatives
No carbs to low carbs diet and daily calorie deficit
Rising Star
Calorie in - Calorie Out = -500 per day
Rising Star
Simply reduce carbs to around 150 gm a day(cut back on rice,sugar,bread,roti,potatoes )...and just do brisk walking 30 mins..daily...this will ensure 1-2 pound loss every week....you will lose 12 -14 kgs in 1 quarter
Minimize carbon (aka carb) consumption. You will lose weight in no time.
Less carbs, sugar, oil, butter, ghee
More proteins and fruit
Fruit is carbs.
Rising Star
Portion control - there's nothing wrong per se with Indian diet, which is a very broad term.
I'll drop the keywords so you can educate yourself:
-Measure your TDEE
- read about CICO
-Research on your "caloric deficit" you need to be eating at to get a desired weightloss rate
-if you want to supplement with exercise even better - figure the calorie burn per hour so you have the math right
- figure out what foods you typically eat, get a food scale and figure out the caloric value per typical portion (eg - it's hard to estimate the caloric value of a katori full of cooked aloo sabzi BUT you can cook with 16oz potatos, 2Oz onions, 5 tbsp olive oil and know the total calories of the food - from that you'll know proportionally how much 1 bowl of that serving is. Once you've done it for the first time - it's easy to keep track of bowl portions going forward) processed foods already have calories.
- follow for a year the pounds will melt away
Eat less roti dude
If you're in the US, try mission carb balance tortilla. Put it on tawa and it's the same as a roti. Alternate is Trader Joes low carb tortilla. When I did keto, one of my go to meal was 2 mission tortillas and egg bhurji with bell peppers (no onions), chilli powder, ajwain and a lot of cheese. Super filling, ~13-15g carbs, 500-700 Cals.
Intermittent fasting (16:8) - be religious about it. I dropped 15 pounds in the last 4 weeks. And still going.