So I think I definitely have a crush on a manager in my group. We don’t work together but we’re good friends at work. Hes newly single out of a serious relationship so I’m hesitant about that.

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Get it gurl.


I can't say this enough.. if you are the female looking to move things forward in the situation, just go for it. We will rarely shoot you down.


I definitely get vibes from him that he’s probably got a thing for me too. Anyone else been in this kind of situation and can share their experiences ?


What level are you?

Senior . We’re not too far apart. I think he’s like a second year manager or something


Let us know how this plays out. I find myself in a somewhat similar situation (though for my instance, we're more on the "just friendly" side rather than being actual good friends like you).

Hmm that’s kind of a lot to be saying to just a co worker. I think that might be worth exploring as well.

Go for it....YOLO

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