So I’m skinny fat. And I never exercise (too lazy). I only wanna get a flat tummy (abs are a luxury). What should I do if I want to see results in max 8 weeks? FYI I’m 5’7”, 143 lbs, male.

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Cardio doesn’t usually help with the skinny fat issues, especially when under eating is involved. Lifting heavy weights and eating adequate amounts will build muscle, especially if you’re a beginner. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn each day doing nothing, making it a bit easier to lose body fat.


First, stop saying “tummy”, then get some protein shakes, get in the gym and start eating right in the kitchen. There are no short cuts, commit to 8 weeks and you’ll be surprised what transformation can occur!


Gotta agree here. You're a professional for God's sake.

Refer to it as your tum-tum.

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Eat the minimal calories you need to not die and do sprints. Tried and true method.


BKD - he just wants a better mid section. I should be clear that this isn’t going to help OP look “good” or “healthy” or like he “lives indoors”. OP google to conjugate method and do that. You’ll make real strides real quick.

I’ve been “skinny fat” my whole life and found this to work for me:

1. Don’t be lazy
2. I would do full body workouts 3x week. You can get a good full body routine in about 45 mins. This won’t give you a flat tummy immediately but it will round up your shoulders and square you up a bit and make you look stronger.
3. Intermittent fasting


Every 3500 calories = 1 lb

Figure out your TDE (total daily expenditure) from an online calculator, and create a caloric deficit to meet your goals during that time.

Ex: you want to lose 1lb a week, you need to eat 500 calories under your TDE every day for a week.

Not 100% accurate, but it generally works.



143lb 5’7” is really on the skinny side of skinny fat, sounds more like just a lack of muscle (not that there’s anything wrong with that). Hard to fix with diet alone and no working out though.


50 push-ups and sit-ups a day


Add 50 air squats to this and you'll be gold. Guaranteed improvement if you actually stick to this for 8 full weeks.


In 8 weeks you could lose 10 lbs through diet alone. Would need to cut calories a decent amount but possible.

Also a true 10 lbs, not just water weight.


Eat high protein and maintain a caloric deficit. If you incorporate some resistant training for 20 mins maybe 2x a week it’ll be even better.


High protein, Low carb

The fat melts away


Count macros in a clean diet and do and CrossFit workouts. You’re a guy, the weight will come off soooooo easily.


Running or other cardio - the only thing that will burn fat

This is literally the last thing OP should do.


You can't spot train. If your like me and most other males, you'll only lose your stomach fat after you lose almost all the other weight on your body.

If you've got no muscle, you're going to have to get, borderline anorexically skinny to get a flat stomach.

I would do very very limited amounts of cardio and focus on lifting, or if a gym is unavailable to you, do push-ups/pullups/squats. 8 weeks might not be realistic depending on what kind of shape you are in, but you could maybe get a flat stomach and not look anorexic if you eat a very disciplined low calorie high protein diet and workout like a mad man?

The problem is going to be that it's extremely hard to build muscle while on a calorie deficit, so really the diet would have to be impeccable to even stand a chance to accomplish this in 8 weeks.

You’re ok, OP said male in the last line of the post 😂

I’ve seen a ton of women have success with Chloe Ting’s 2 week fitness challenge that targets abs! Not sure how the regime would translate on men’s bodies tho

Embrace the suck. Get in the gym. Lift hard. Flip the switch.

I had a similar profile. IM, cut carbs, lift heavy 4 times a week, and cardio 5 times a week worked well for me.

Be under 30 years old, and then either switch to diet soda or take one day off drinking per week. Tried-and-true.

Paint them on with tanning spray.

Wow. I have the same height and weight as you. Female here.

I am just in awe

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