Hi Guys ,I been selected in BNP Paribas (.Net fullstack ) Bangalore ,got some mails from Peopledoc regarding some task ,data privacy consent,background verification and virtual on boarding,I have not received the offer letter yet ,how is the process in BNP ,when they officially give the offer letter ,normally after offer letter these on boarding things happen right ? Please correct me and let me know about project work life balance
Anything to get yourself where u wanna be is worth it. It’s not gonna be easy, but you can do it
I recently transitioned into the IT industry from the hospitality industry ( bartending for 8+ years). I did 4 months of part-time IT work Mon-Fri, 8:30am-12pm, studied in the afternoon and Bartended Mon-Sat 7pm-2am. Sunday I spent studying from wake till sleep instead of going out because I was so focused on this career change.
The above wasn't too bad and definitely manageable with meal preps and squeezing in short power naps when possible. I was constantly on caffeine to stay on top of my game in both fields. I went from not having coffee at all, disliked the taste, to 2 espressos a day.
By month 4 I was offered a full-time contract in IT and on month 5 I was Mon-Fri 8:30am-5pm IT and still Mon-Sat 7pm-2am bartending.
Caffeine consumption went up to 3 espressos a day and 3 caffeine pills (200g each) for that month.
I wasn't finding time to sleep or eat with that schedule. I lost about 16lbs and became moody asf.
Financially it was worth it, but I would not do this again as my overall wellbeing took a negative toll.
Now I've dialed back down the night job to just weekends.
Hope this helps make an informed decision.
Yes I have done that and my main daytime job suffered for it. I highly recommend looking for a more lucrative job instead. You cannot go long with that little amount of sleep and be effective at anything in life.
Well 11 hours but I’ll probably nap during my hour lunch.
I’d try to find a higher paying job instead haha
Why not? It's a matter of how you talk about your experience and how comfortable you are with the income you want. You can absolutely get a 40K raise.
When will you sleep, ever?!
it only works if you're getting enough sleep...otherwise, it sounds way too tough
I wouldn’t do it, that sounds like your health and safety would be in danger. One week of this and you’ll be falling asleep at the wheel or falling asleep at your jobs. It wouldn’t be long until you got sick because your immune system would be down. Why don’t you do that Rover side gig instead? Then you can sleep along with the dogs and still earn $$ at night.