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Just going to leave this here and walk away..

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There are no "rules"
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I quit the dating apps about six months ago, but I’ll tell you; as a male, I would send tons of thoughtful, personal messages, with little or no response. Your first thought is probably , “oh, that’s because you’re ugly, Mr. Director”, but that’s not true, haha. I’m no male model, but am definitely a 7/8 who’s in shape with a well thought out profile (well, when I had one).
The dynamics of online dating have changed, and the best shot of actually sparking something up is if the female initiates, or at least puts some real thought into a reply.
I think we all have app and dating fatigue, if we’ve been single for a while. Switching something up could be the change that leads to a better result.
Agree with D1, dating apps lowered my self esteem but am regaining it as I meet women IRL
You can add that detail to your profile “I prefer the man to make the initial contract so if you’re interested you better message me”
I’ve heard several men say they wait for the woman to make contact because they hate rejection. By telling them your preference maybe they’ll reach out
I think they meant contact
Nothing wrong with going after something you want then let the chase begin
I don’t mind sending a like, but I rarely initiate convo as I prefer to have the man make the moves
So…you’re just sitting back and hoping the ‘right’ guy finds you attractive and approachable enough to message you? Why not take a more active role in driving the outcomes you want?
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I’m the same😅
I feel like even if you like the guy’s pic first it’s going to be a little turnoff to a guy
Same same. What about initiating through a message prompt on their profile, like on Hinge
I would love it if someone liked my pictures first 😂
Dating apps made my anger Management training futile 😂😂