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Don’t be fooled

You are, and that’s a good thing for the rest of us
Yup and I for one am happy about it. Now police can't use the "smell" of weed to justify harrasing people, mostly in the minority community.
There is no justification for marijuana being illegal and alcohol being legal. Even when legalized at a state level municipalities ban it. You can have tons of bars killing people but no coffee shops to hang out at.
I’m in a similar boat as you. I think people understate the destructiveness of marijuana. I know plenty of people I grew up with, including my best friend’s little brother, whose lives have been destroyed by marijuana. Not destroyed in the heroin type of way, but destroyed in the: all they do is smoke weed in their parents basement and work shitty retail jobs and are in their late 20s kind of way. Marijuana addiction is real, it sucks all motivation from these people.
@ GroupM...can I have some food? 😉
Personally I don’t like pot or hanging out with potheads. But you know what I really hate? Regulating choices (vs outcomes) and using drug laws to persecute minorities.
Even if you don't partake at all, legalization is still a good thing. If implemented well, it disincentivizes the black market trade and reduces gang-related crimes associated with it, reduces incarceration - especially of minorities (ideally expunging bullshit nonviolent convictions), and allows for more research, testing, regulation, and better quality control.
Nobody's forcing you to toke. How do you feel about alcohol being legal and widely used?
Rising Star
B1 weed smells worse than even jersey
It's already legal in NYC? Think that ship has already sailed lol
I don’t partake but I think legalization is a good thing. Less crime, less harassing minorities, more job opportunities and more tax revenue.
Yes it is. Being sent to jail/prison is also bad for your health & economic status, which happens disproportionately to minorities.
That’s cool, no one is forcing you to use it in any form.
Personally I think the worst drug is sugar.
Huge cause of health issues and huge cost of healthcare.
Let’s maybe start there.
Not to take it to an extreme & side note, but also giving up sugar gives such clarity, way less gut issues, skin benefits, teeth are in way better condition. Even in just a month. Humans didn’t discover sugar all that long ago
I don’t smoke weed, but why is it my business if someone else does? Especially when minorities are highly targeted for these “offenses”?
Alcohol is much more destructive to the body and society than the weed.
It’s been a double standard for decades that disproportionately affects minorities. Weed is much less physically addictive than booze and no one has ever died from a marijuana overdose, whereas it happens all the time for alcohol.
Also, MJ is a “gateway” drug to help people get OFF opioids that become addicted due to pain relief. It’s actually quite beneficial in the medical setting. People used to think it would lead to using stronger drugs, now Americans just get their stronger, highly addictive, destructive opiates from their doctor. About 500k people have died from this.
If you are going to pick a psychoactive substance to be against, you should look at alcohol and prescription opioids.
Well first of all I’d say minding their own business. Like they say about LGBTQ rights: “if you don’t like gay marriage, don’t get gay married.” Otherwise I’d get educated because marijuana is really a beneficial addition to the medical toolkit in terms of anti-inflammation, pain reduction (in lieu of opioids), creating an appetite for late stage cancer patients and there are some early studies that support that cannabis is beneficial against cancer (not just in the use case above.)
There are so many other things in our society that are worse, like processed food for example. We are over fed and under nourished, leading to obesity, heart disease and diabetes rates like no other country.
Or how about porn and video games. We have young guys in their basement just depleting their ability to connect with people, killing life-like characters and eroding the masculine base of society by living in fantasies instead of being a productive high value male.
Don’t get me started. Weed is nothing compared to all the other shit going on.
Well indeed I am the minority here. I follow the family rule. If something I don’t want my parent / child use, then certainly against it. Are you all good buying weeds for your children? This is not a debate topic. Just asking. If you are, then weed is legit in your mind. It all comes down to personal decision, as long as they don’t harm me or my family. And similar to few other comments……use at home but not public please
OP: Your logical arguments are highly flawed to the point of being silly.
It makes me think you are actually FOR pot and just taking the piss.
This is what you should do if you smell marijuana: mind your own business…
@OP I get your concerns about marijuana use being destructive to peoples lives and not enough acknowledging that. But the truth of the matter is keeping it illegal is even more destructive to society because it’s so commonly used and has spurred a dangerous gang infested black market and over policing and Incarceration. I just want to remind everyone that with the war on drugs, we’ve lost that war.
It’s easier to legalize marijuana use and then regulate it to adults over 21 and restrict use of it in public spaces. It also brings in more tax revenue, which the US direly needs.
I can understand why you don’t want it legal for the sake of your family and that you might’ve experienced people addicted to weed, but it’s a trade off compared to the negatives of keeping it illegal. Cause let’s be honest, even if it’s illegal those things are still going to happen, and at least making it legal provides some benefits.
I have asthma and I smoke weed in public - no problems and I should be able to. Go bother someone smoking cigs
As a thoroughgoing libertarian, I don’t understand—nor do I agree with—the criminalization of drugs at all. If people want to use them, no matter what they are, then so be it. The “negative effects” are, in my view, beside the point.
I agree with this statement, all drugs should be legal. If you want to do them, go ahead. It eliminates the mysteriousness and promotes education about drugs. Then this leads to more support for addicts, people asking for help more often, eliminating shame is important. Drug addiction can happen to anyone !!! I’m more worried about the pharmaceutical companies and ‘legal’ drugs.
I think advertising can be profoundly more destructive than marijuana
Agreed! Add in mass media and you’ve got more brain dead zombies walking around that all the stoners put together.
Weed helps me relax after a stressful day/week without having to drink copious amounts of wine. I just smoke eat some food watch some tv and sleep! For someone who’s working such high strung jobs, it’s helped me keep my sanity over the past 12 years
Does wonders for anxiety.
I hate it too. I’ve never done it and don’t dispute the positive impact or need to de criminalize; honestly for me, the smell really bothers me. My neighbors smoke in their apartment (which obviously they have the right to), but the smell leaks into mine and seeps into the hallways.
Secondhand smoke is not a thing 😂 you literally have to be in a hot box
I'm still guffawing at OP's "family rule".
Let's say a conscientious parent doesn't want their kid playing high school football because it's dangerous. Should public schools stop offering football? Should there be a law against it?
Public schools actually maybe should stop offering tackle football… comparing to an adult activity would probably be better, nobody’s saying 15 year olds can legally buy weed
Cannabis is no different than alcohol. In fact older people like it because you don’t feel hungover. I am in my 40s and a glass or two of wine gives me headaches the next day.
…except that no one has ever died from a cannabis overdose, it is much less addictive than alcohol, and is much healthier for the body (depending on how you imbibe). All pros for cannabis.