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That period alignment is right because the plumb line should break the plane of the curve on the spine of that S for proper visual alignment (impossible to tell without seeing the entire lockup, but that’s usual/standard practice)
But, if I were your CD I would be arguing that a logo shouldn’t have punctuation.
This is a little heady. Show them how in every font that ever was the o’s dip below the base line and above the x height. Explain the same principle is present in the logo. It’s not where you would expect it to be, but it’s where it feels right to the eye.
I would’ve aligned it optically rather than literally. A slight hang wound have avoided this conversation.
Close the thread, there’s the answer
Dang you posting this online with your name and everything
Towns in Florida don’t have internet?
Sounds like the period makes or breaks the logo, but is this the first time this is being addressed (after deliverables are completed and sent off)? Was this period/alignment ever brought up as an important asset during the iterations and explorations phase?
Oof, the relationship over iMessage is already a boundary crossed. The phrase, "Please tell me..." is written out of anxiety. Sorry you have to be at the end of this micromanging, anal behavior. It's not justified. There is no reason for this dialogue over text after what looks like work hours after the logo has been sent.
I’m pretty anal about this stuff, you never know how others will blow up stuff or use it in the wild. Better to be “perfect” and have somebody else use your work well, rather than have somebody shake their head at your half done stuff. It’s like construction and engineering. It comes down to best use of time and money.
You may also want to create your own punctuation here. It may look nicer in the end. As it’s a logo you don’t necessarily need to be beholden to the font.
Not sure if the “is she justified” was an intentional pun, but if so, here for it👏.
As for the comment on the alignment, I am 100% this annoying and I’m sure the people that work for me feel the same 🙃🤣. But at least she is giving you very simple directions on how to excel with her, just double-check that alignment each time so she doesn’t feel like she has to look at all your work so closely and I’m sure you guys will get along great ;)
OCD & perfectionist expectations is an occupational hazard and it is normal of anyone in a AD and CD position though some are more lax than others. Misalignment and typos can make or break a concept. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger 💪🏻
Subject Expert
Adding more:
from the way you write the message you either don’t have a graphic design background or maybe you are a younger more novice designer. it is really on her to not have a workflow in place so you don’t get anyone to review your work before final art delivery.
While I can't say if she's justified, I can say that your final art isn't. (Mic drop) but the fact that you can just type something on a keyboard and deliver it as final logo is mindblowing.
Subject Expert
I'm not sure why a logo would have a punctuation. But I am thinking that the way it is now would look off.
Logos need to be perfect-perfect since they are used everywhere and may be blown up to fill billboards. I'd cringe at this myself if I come across it.
I don’t think is an unjustifiable thing to point out. But is not what you say is how you say it and the way she said it sounds unprofessional and very micromanagy, also why is she sending you a text 🤮