So the US is going to start offering COVID boosters now. Has there been any mention of whether the government is still footing the bill?

Thoughts? I've got mixed feelings... on that and the need for boosters in general.

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I don’t think I want a booster right now. I want clear metrics to help me understand how much less effective the vaccine is than when I got it 4 months ago and why exactly I need boosters. All this stuff has changed so much, so fast that I feel unsure of everything.


Does science change every day or we discover more every day?

I’d get the booster, but I wish they would share their decision making process


It’s a solution for not-the-real-problem. The real problem is getting vax rates up, period. (That includes globally but since we only care about OuR FrEeDoM, getting them up in US would also be a good start).

Here’s a good read by an epidemiologist on why effort toward vax rates is more impactful than improving vax efficacy through boosters:

That's my understanding, main goal should be not dying / reducing spread which primary vaccination seems to be doing very well.

The booster is ONLY for immunocompromised. This email just came today from my local hospital with info regarding the booster.

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I can’t wait! Really! I will take any protection I can.

If the government doesn't insurance probably will like they cover other vaccines. Either way all that cost trickles down to individuals. Insurance premiums are going be nuts for a few years no matter what.

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