Solutions needed for tight hip flexors, aside from the stretches? Seemingly left side only. Has anyone been able to relieve it completely?

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I roll mine or a tennis ball. It kinda hurts but also feels amazing lol


Check out yoga with adriene on YouTube. She has a video for everything and is great


same! always the left side, for years. I follow a really good diet, I stretch/run/lift daily, go to the chiro for adjustments… but cutting out alcohol was ultimately my game changer. I knew alcohol caused inflammation, but it was still CRAZY to me when I finally pieced it together 🤯 one mixed drink literally goes straight to my hip.

other things that I found helpful:
• deep stretching on a large exercise ball
• strengthening glutes
• daily hip mobility stretches I’be come across on PT-based instagram pages
• daily practice of the ‘third world squat’ (which I could barely do for 15 seconds at first - hip mobility is humbling)


You could try dry needling or sport massage therapy?


I don’t think you need a prescription. Dry needling is longer needles that pinpoint tight muscles


Do yoga


I read that this is more commonly weak than tight hip flexors, so look to strengthen those first!


Going to my PT for dry needling has worked wonders on my ankle. They can find sources of tension you may not realize exist.


standing desk, strengthen glutes and core

+1 to standing desk, and check out pso rite

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