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Thoughts on 800flowers? Sell or hold
Think ZM will climb further tmrw?
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Close to a decade old regret: not contributing to a 401k for the first two years of working.
Not dating my crush in middle school
Not investing more at the end of March
Not eating that 5th Oreo
Selling TSLA at 712 after buying it for 697 because I was convinced it was going to miss targets.
I sold NOW at 297 after buying it for 252 because I was nervous.
I sold FB at 192 after buying it at 154 again because I thought ad revenue was not going to go up.
Cost me a good amount of money in missed gains.
Oh well. I held onto MSFT, AMZN, and ADBE so there is that.
Rising Star
NCLH was trading below 11 last week and I passed.
Conversation Starter
Wanted to put 10k into TVIX early Feb when it was at 40 bucks. One month later it was selling for 1000. 200k down the drain
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Royal Caribbean entrance at $22. Jets entrance at $12. Tesla entrance at $434. MGM entrance at $9.15. Putting in $ in USO. Petrobras entrance at $4.46. Not buying that put for chipotle. Womp womp womp.
Conversation Starter
Yeah jets seems like they still have a wayyys to go back up
Not asking out my (now) husband earlier. We knew each other for 2+ years before dating.
Rising Star
Not buying at the lowest points and selling at the highest points on all stocks ever listed (with leverage of course)