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If they deal with confidential information such as client data, then I usually see immediate termination with an escorts out so they don't have time to mess things up or try to steal Client contact info.
That's so dumb if someone was gonna steal client info they'd do it many months before that.
Rising Star
If I got laid off I wouldn’t come to work either. I don’t care what the policy is. Wtf.
If the layoff is due to legitimate grounds no severance pay needs to be paid, at least this is my information (and layoff immediately). Depends on the country
Varies. Two weeks can be a long and toxic time and very distracting to everyone.
It's always immediate. It's never two weeks unless the employee resigns
If the employee isn’t leaving by their own choice there’s much more risk of bad behavior after notification of layoff. Allowing them to keep access to company environments and resources gives them opportunity to be destructive, whether in person physically or in online environments. So for the companies, immediate exit is a risk reduction.
Employees choosing to leave are less likely to do bad things after they’ve put in their notice. Plus the company is usually scrambling to replace them and wants to extract every bit of knowledge they can out of them before they leave.
It’s immediate if it’s a lay off as a best practice. It’s also respectful to the departing employee. At times, people do extend due to commitments etc, but that is always a harder on on both sides.
If it was PwC, then it is same day.
Always immediate if he was told it was effective immediately.
Vice president of redundancy
I’ve been laid off twice, both times was walked to my desk, gathered my things and I was out. My email was shut down within 15 minutes.
Damn from prisoner to like you never existed. People need to think about this next time they decide to stay late
So effective immediately means just that - game over. You pack up your stuff and sign a legal waiver so you get some kind of pity severance. Then you leave and never look back. Fin.
I have seen both immediate “walk the person out the door” and also for a transition period.
It depends on the nature of the role and what information the person has or could gather. Also when there has been a notice period there has been a tangible severance and it would not be in the persons interest to walk out (immediate forfeit of severance) or to do something that would warrant summary termination (again forfeit of severance).
As said, I have seen both. It depends multiple factors. However it is not uncommon for immediate separation.
The firm I work for will usually walk you out right away but will still pay out the 2 weeks.
Immediately for most, to avoid reprisals. You get 2 weeks’ pay in lieu of notice, plus unused PTO and severance
When I worked for Deloitte I would agree as many people are customer or interact with externals.
I have also seen elsewhere others not walked out as we wish to ensure we have a transition of knowledge.
It very much depends on the ORG but also on the ROLE.
Usually termination is immediate to avoid situations where a person may do something in anger or revenge to others or company resources/property.
If a company is smart and wants to avoid lawsuits, bad press or other negative PR issues they should issue some form final payment even if the person is not allowed on site (two weeks of pay, pay to the end of the pay period, pay to the end of the month) I am not aware of any laws that say they have to do this but it is just good form to recognize that people have needs.
The biggest thing for many people is medical coverage. I've seen companies be harsh and cut people off that day. I've also seen companies be human and let coverage remain until the end of the month. This can be really important for people to get perscriptions filled before they have to do a job search or figure out different coverage.
The other factor is good management can prevent the system shock. A manager should have been communicating the absence of work and the potential for a layoff well ahead of time. If this didn't happen then the company really needs to up level their management practices.
Just remember, how the company treats others is how they might treat you one day.
I was laid off twice and received severance pay both times. I was terminated, left immediately, they offered severance..
I’ve been laid off twice in my working career, both times it was with immediate effect and no time allotted for transition or knowledge transfer. In both instances it was professionally handled and appropriate to my role and workload at the time.
As stated in a previous response, each experience will vary based on the individual’s organization and role within it.
Rising Star
FYI, a friend of mine is getting laid off - he got 2 months notice. He stopped going to the office and has no intention of coming in for the remainder of time.
(NYC, at will) from my experience, WARN act is applicable to companies who have a certain number of employees. I received a WARN act notice, severance, and payout of PTO when the retail store I worked at was being closed; however, we had over 500 people working in the store alone and i was fully vested after 5+ years of service.
Always immediate when it comes to layoffs
I’ve always heard of it being immediate. Never heard of two weeks.
I gave my two weeks notice but was terminated the next day.. lol.
As far a I know they haven't hired anyone to replace me..
Exactly.. got my last week of work paid but nothing else.. I was there for two years..
It’s fairly common to see people laid off with an instant termination of working requirements (regardless of what the severance may be).
I was laid off once and they paid me for three weeks to find a job (it took a year) but they also made me train the person taking over a large portion of my position. It was horrible.
That's terrible! I'm sorry that happened to you..