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My sister, a mother of a 11 yr old has been a business owner for a very long time. In the years prior to Covid she was successful in building a artwork design business making $200k but the platform she was on Etsy kicked her out for non-compliance and has since found it challenging to build it back up. This has led her to rethink about her decision to carry on with this and would like to switch to a role in technology. Would she qualify to lead teams? Or should she focus on learning a hard skill
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I decided to let my pupper take over for today..

I'm so sorry you are having to go through this! Were you in close contact with the coworker who tested positive? Are teachers maintaining distance (such as in that staff meeting - which I think should have been held virtually)? Are masks worn in your building? If you have not been in close contact with that teacher and masks have been worn, your risk is fairly low. However, I would get tested just for your own peace of mind.
I agree there need to be clear protocols based on the recommendations of the best medical experts.
What we were told by the county medical director is that it only counts as "close contact" requiring tracing and testing if three conditions are met: closer than 6 feet for longer than 15 minutes and without masks. I honestly don't know if that is based on the best medical evidence - I really hope so! The way he explained it is that your goal with safety measures is to reduce the viral load so that even if you do get some viral molecules, there are not enough that your immune system is overtaken and you actually become infected. That made a lot of sense to me.
Praying for you