Started wearing a support belt per my doctors recommendation because I’ve been having pelvic pain. Wore it for the first time today and this baby will not stop moving. Now wondering if I’m choking my baby and maybe she doesn’t like this belt? I haven’t felt the pain I normally feel and no back pain this morning but now I’m feeling bad. I don’t want to have comfort if it’s causing discomfort on my baby. Anyone experienced this?
If the belt was positioned in a way that would hurt your baby, you would be in massive pain and discomfort yourself before it even reached that point. Baby is well cushioned in there and very accustomed to the space around them changing as you shift positions, eat a meal, empty your bladder, etc. This isn’t something to be concerned about!
I wore a support belt late in my last pregnancy. I don’t think you can hurt the baby with it. They might be pushed upward but I don’t think it would reduce the overall space that the baby has. Maybe check with the doc. I’d be curious because im expecting to need to wear one sooner than later especially while working out.
I’ve been wearing one since my second trimester and have no pelvic or back pain issue so far. Baby is super healthy and growing very well. So shouldn’t be an issue in general. But yeah check with your OB and see if you are wearing it correctly. And let your OB know your observation and see if they would think it’s normal or not.
I found that I could only use those bands comfortably when I’m standing/walking. Once I sit down, I have to take it off
Are you wearing an adjustable one (eg Velcro closure) or a band that is one size? I’ve found that I like the adjustable more as I can shift the tightness on my baby based on the activity that I’m doing, so my concern about “crushing” her is less constant.
It’s adjustable.
While we’re on the topic, any belly band recommendations that any of you really liked?
I got the Azmed
Baby moving more ismy typically interpreted as a warning sign! If anything, it’s a good thing… No movement whatsoever is what you might need to be worried about…