Starting an IVF cycle shortly; and feeling very anxious. My period, which is usually within 25-28 days hasn’t started yet. It is 14 days late (and no, I am not pregnant :). My doctor had me patching 4 estrogen patches everyday for 10 days.
Has anyone else gone through this? Delayed period because of IVF stress? Or delayed period because of estrogen patches?
I don’t know what to make of all of this. Any help/ guidance would be great!

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Estrogen is going to delay your period, very normal.


I was really delayed while in estrogen patches. I think I was 16 days late and they took two blood hcgs to make sure I wasn't pregnant.

Yes, it was a good cycle!

Thank you!

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Just wanted to share this in case someone else is going thru the same things as we were. This bowl has helped us over the last 3 years of TTC, so I thought I’d share our going news and what our situation was. We were scheduled to start IVF treatments last week but the appnt got cancelled and we found out yesterday that we were pregnant naturally after 3 years of TTC and 4 failed IUIs. Here was our issues; my wife has one blocked tube and she had uterine polyps which …Continued


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