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I was interviewed 10 days ago n got email that I'm selected n asked to upload docs.They said my salary expectation is a bit high but I agreed to their mark(36% more than CCTC) as I was keen to get into that specific project.Now the HR called n said I can't be considered bcz of internal reason which can't be disclosed. She said "the market standards have been changed". I said evrythng was gud till ystdy rit. She said things changed overnight n she offered if I wanna join I can at join at jus >10% cctc
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Holy moly my job sucks
Anyone knows what Airwallex does? Good company?
Is it worth it making it to B4 senior?
It took me 18 months. Recruiting in digital age means we all are objects...
Now that i am M, i hear “stay until director, exits will be soo much better”
Well, just my opinion, but M is probably the most KICKASS level in the firm, you play quarterback. Really helps develop accountability, which will be critical as you consider lateral moves into the industry where line management and PnL responsibilities come in. But I've stayed till SM, so what do i know :)
OP, we’re all in that boat.
Right there with ya. I’ve talked to a few friends who have left and the consensus is 3-6 months and keep dropping resumes/networking.
In many cases, as consultants we apply for jobs that require more experience than we have - thinking that our consulting experience makes the difference. Not all employees agree.
Im counting the days until a 🤞🏾director promo to then exit
Same boat
Preach, brother!!
Hahah same
Is this really true? Is it worth to wait until manager before leaving? Thinking of leaving as a senior
Anything at a staff level is easier to hire. Sheer numbers state there are fewer at higher levels and people don’t leave as much at higher levels creating inherently more demand at staff levels