That's the reason why we have more female HRs

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Hi fishes and sharks . I got selected in hcl yoe 5 yrs and now they are asking to take drug test as part of bgv. Any idea this is for all employees or specific employees any experiences pls share here. How good is hcl in yerms of WLB pls suggest. Thank you@Cognizant Infosys Tata Consultancy Infosys Accenture IBM HCL Technologies Mindtree Deloitte
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This is a great way to put it honestly. I always think when women are running things they do move very smoothly and efficiently, I have noticed it at two separate jobs.
Dad’s gift is reusable
You know, this really does make a lot of sense when you think about it
Shhh. Don't expose them like that. At least the red one's bigger than a mosquito.
Hahaha. My mom is a pro at this. I don't how she does it but she could away with anything. Master negotiator.