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I am serving notice period and actively looking for refferal in some reputed organization.
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Any help is greatly appreciated. TIA
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I wouldn't use it as the basis of your decisions. More important is a doctor that you trust and have open communication. I felt like the book had this tone of we know better than your doctor, the data may be right but at the end of the day the book doesn't know you're circumstances. If you don't trust your doctors advice, time to find a new one
I liked it. I still don’t drink alcohol while pregnant though
Love it. Helps sift science from wivestales. Demystifies a lot of the overhyped issues.
Loved it. Not a stand-alone though, you still need something like What To Expect to explain the weeks, FAQs, etc.
I liked it- it’s not the Bible and I still ran everything past my doctor but it helps you ask a lot of questions you otherwise might not have asked.