The co-worker I was closest to left the firm this week, and I’m having a hard time staying motivated. It’s so hard when your friends leave :(

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Inspired by my first heartbreak. A painful time in my life that I couldn’t make sense of it.

We’re here to support each other, laugh together, heal together, and get back on our feet!


One of my friends had a breakdown because I am more successful and she is intimidated that I am friends with her boyfriend (we were friends before she came along). Should I try to save the friendship?


Fam need advice.. I’m struggling in my rl lately. My gf and I met virtually on social media and have been together for almost a year. Things are great normally, but whenever there comes a bit spark of argument, my gf just turned into someone else, very emotional every time, keeping this it’s all your fault attitude… She tends to go to extremes and often times went too much, e.g., she bent (hurts a lot atm but fingers ok) my fingers as part of couple fun fights (it started with her pinching me)…


I used my exes name with some numbers as password for many things.... Its a bitch. Especially when you break up lmao
Don't use your significant other name for passwords


Any homeschool parents in the group?


How can you tell when staying home alone is introversion vs social withdrawal/isolation, which is a symptom of something more serious?

I suppose I’m considered an ABCD but I was born in India so I am hoping you fish will be able to understand: lately, I’m really struggling to make conversation with my own dad. It originally started with him telling me I should get married which led to me keeping a distance from him. Throughout my whole life my dad has basically been the one to be the rational voice - telling me to study, to work hard, to go to grad school, and encouraged all those things. Conversations always centered around what I had to do and they were less friend-like. It also doesn’t help that Indian dads don’t take vacation, don’t like to do “fun” things. Are any other fish struggling with this?

F here. I’ve had trouble in relationships because idk how to fight healthily. I’ve been going to therapy for it but I’m struggling atm because my boyfriend who I love so much, I’ve brought to his breaking point with my anxiety fueled approach. I don’t blame him. A lot of this stems from watching my parents & their toxic fights. I want to change not only for myself but for him, because I believe he is worth changing for. But has anyone ever gone through this & made it out better?


My BFF’s husband has delayed ejaculation and trouble ejaculating inside her. They are TTC and she is super stressed. Any tips on how to handle this scenario?


How to handle your emotions in a less sex ( not no sex), and low quality sex marriage?

It's emotionally depressing for me when we don't make out, getting ugly thoughts of breaking up.

Although I also do understand this should not be the ground for destroying the family, but the lack of it creates a vacuum in me.


This is my best friend and she lives in another state. She didn’t respond. As someone who has bouts of depression like this I understand but I’m worried. Should I give her space until she reaches back out or send one more text telling her I love her? Or should I call? I dont know what to do.

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SO says I don’t acknowledge things for what they are and I try to find excuses. It’s been a big red flag for him and he sees it as immaturity and shadiness. I think he takes what I do the wrong way, and only try to explain my intent. I don’t know how to fix this


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My fiancée and I were looking for apps to find new friends, preferably couples and came across this website called Bind. It looks good but does anyone know if it’s legitimate? We’re looking for platonic friendships only. Thanks!


M, 44. After 21 years of marriage, my wife and I signed divorce papers with no contest. We have two adult daughters together, 18 and 21 So no child support, no alimony, and I make $170k at 44. I recently moved out of the marital house into an apartment,m. What should my next steps look like at this point? Do I need counseling?


Hey. I’m going to a business trip to a fun area, but my colleagues are a lot older 55-65? Would it be bad to hit up Bumble BFF/Hinge to meet some people to have fun w after work? Idk what to do w my life.


Just found out my SO messed around with someone that works in the same company as me but different city and she knew he has a girlfriend. What should I do?


Darcy is engaged?!


At this point, I want to break up with Amber Heard and Johnny Depp. Those audio tapes are annoying AF to listen to. What a toxic relationship. Goes to show how Hollywood and money can romanticize people beyond their actual reality.


Any suggestions on where/how to meet Muslim female for marriage? 27 M here and looking to potentially get married in next 2 years


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Looking for 8000 Marriott points , willing to pay $60, let me know if anyone interested


Can anyone share what to expect on the online assessment for a non tech program manager?


Pls suggest
Deloitte: 15 lpa +2 lacs (jb)
Citiustech: 18 lpa (including 7 percentage retention pay)

YOE: 4
TechStack : MERN Looking for wlb and brand value. Deloitte CitiusTech


Does anyone know how much EY FAAS M1 are getting paid at LCOL cities? Trying to see if I’m getting a reasonable offer. Thanks!


Hi Fishes.

could any one please tell Airtel Africa Digital Lab culture. Is it product based or service based?


Hi Everyone !!!

This June I completed my 9 months at Career Level 12 and Sub Level 3 I.e, CL 12.3 at
Accenture Operations. My Annual Talent Discussion and One-on-One with People Lead is complete as of last week.

I have 3 questions now :
1. When can I expect to move to 12.2 ?
2. What is the general hike I can expect ? And when it is reflected ?
3. When will be the variable pay will be paid out ?

Can anyone here help me with this performance cycle part ? I am really confused.



Does anyone do contract EA work with Double? If so, what are the pros/cons? TY.


What is the salary range for Sr. Administrative Asst. 20 yrs experience, 8 yrs with firmNYC? Client facing with client C-Suite EA’s to schedule PPMD mtgs. Heavy calendar management.


If you work in PR - what is your salary? (If you’d like to share where you work and years of experience that would be helpful as well!)

Anyone have a good tailor in SF you'd recommend? Looking to tailor some jeans.


Has anyone here tested positive, finished their 5 day quarantine and travelled to the US? I am going to NY next week and just finished my quarantine period (after testing positive last week). Air Canada is saying they need (1) proof of positive test and (2) letter from my doc saying I’m fit to travel. I can’t find out how to give them a proof of positive test as I did a rapid test (and obviously that isn’t time stamped)


Accenture new joiners can change auto generated enterprise id/email id ?


Hey fishes , any idea when offices will be opened on banglore?IBM Mercedes-Benz Research & Development India @


Hi Fishes,
I am from finance domain & interested to move in IT domain. I heard there are Non-IT jobs too that doesn't need coding like quality testing. I wanted to know from experienced people who have switched to IT. What skills I should start to learn first.


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Anyone here can refer me for React.js role in Pune location. YOE: 2.6 years

I just discovered that Zelda: Ocarina of Time, a game that enchanted me for weeks on end when I was a kid, is ~25mb in size. I honestly can’t believe it—I’ve filed docs in court that are bigger than that. Also, this has nothing to do with biglaw other than that learning how to use emulators is what I’m doing during the tech slowdown. Just beat the Deku Tree!


Holidays are coming up. Need to make sure I put in for the days! And then remind all the gentiles fifty times not to schedule important meetings those days


Burned out while studying for the bar and working FT. Seeking juice. Did anybody actually have any of the Barbri professors in law school??? Prof. Schechter (GW - Torts); Prof. Freer (Emory - CIV Pro); PAULA FRANZESE (Seton Hall - RP); Prof. Noreuil (ASU - Crim/Crim Pro).


I have a four year Full Stack experience, with Java(Spring Boot)-React, Node(Express)-React and Django-React as my tech stacks. Can anyone provide pointers on how to get jobs in the UK? Any referral help will be much appreciated.


Additional Posts in Confession


I need to let it out but I’m so fucking proud of myself and I just realized how lucky I got and it took me until just now to see it. I started in the military and it only took 2 months for me to get out and fall into a bottomless hole of depression. My transition went from: $13 an hour part time, separation with the wife, new job at $18 an hour for physical labor, hit with disability diagnosis, then $20 an hour new office job, reconnecting with wife, having 2nd kid, nearly divorcing (cont.)


Confession: I sleep in socks 😫


What do y’all think the role of companies & politics should be? (Keep civil in comments)


Wondering how many of my co-workers are balancing 2 jobs. Seems like I can’t get a hold of some of my senior associates during the day.


Is it ok to go trick-or-treat at 24? I want to get candy while dressed like a sailor, and that sounds a lot more fun than a party


I get matches on dating apps and I never feel like responding. On Hinge for example, I send a like with a message for their prompt. They send back a message and I just look and it and let it sit there. Idk what’s wrong with me. I want to go on dates but thinking about the whole “talk phase” is really off putting. I met up with someone on the apps a year ago and became friends for a while before I ended it because I was overwhelmed with life. I don’t want to redo this again. Dating is so hard 🥹


When the coffee finally hits...

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My MIL has been staying with us since last week! I do have an okay relationship but I’m still in the grieving process and cannot be bothered to do the usual good daughter in law stuff … I also start work next week and kind of want to do my own thing and be in my own space … is that bad?
I know if I tell my husband he would say it’s fine but also fear he would use it against me in future.


I just saw a video of Philly and the street they showed are absolutely disgusting squalor. Why do people live like that and how is that acceptable to anybody? I can’t tolerate any trash in front of my apartment, nevermind the whole mess going on in that video. My question is, why do people keep voting for and living in these disgusting areas?

Before anyone accuses me of privilege or anything: I grew up in subsidized housing but I’ve always respected my living space.


When I was just out of college, I worked in a call center for a Fortune 500 company. One night, ten minutes before my shift was scheduled to end, I received a call from a customer. They needed simple maintenance performed on their account. But, for some reason, they were LIVID! From the second I picked up the receiver, I was bombarded with a profane tirade that went on and on. "I WANT A MANAGER!," he eventually shrieked. So, I connected the call... to a Taco Bell manager in Idaho.


Am I in the wrong here? After working full day, I was taking a nap in the evening before we start offshore handoff calls. My wife sends the kids to wake me up and brush their teeth. I was so mad that she chose to wake me up for 2-3 min brushing and had an argument.


I’ve been getting ghosted a lot. Can’t help but think I’m the problem at this point.


I only wear (fake) glasses while on zoom calls to look better without makeup


Hot take: BMI is relevant to the vast majority of people. No, it is not the only metric we go by to measure health, but it does give you a general idea of where you stand if you're the average Joe Schmoe.

Yes, I know there are gym rats and body builders who would not be considered in the "normal" BMI ranges, however, we're talking about the outliers. How many of you can truly say you fall into that category? Cause I for one can't.

Let's stop lying to ourselves and eat healthier/hit the gym.


If our grandparents were second cousins, what’s my relationship to the girl in this generation. Basically can I date or how weird and wrong would it be to date some one who is some level of cousin. Are we 4th cousins? I would want to actually ask her out but I don’t know is she still family? Would it be weird? Is it gross or not? Is it legal?


I want to go on 3 dates with a guy and have deep conversations and build a connection so I can sleep with him on the 4th date then tell him I’m not looking for anything serious and end it. Sex is only good for me if I know the guy is into me and wants more than sex from me. It sounds like I’m being an a*hole but most men do the same thing to get sex..


Happy Sp👀ky day from the West!

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So the marketing director at my job is sleeping with the financial advice for the company . Every Monday the marking director tells me about what they did how they did it and more. This woman is married with kids and it’s really to much for me to take. Idk what to do 🫣


When something makes you angry or upset, do you sometimes have violent thoughts?


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