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Anyone who has recently resigned from ibm? When you initiare a separation process from workday, it goes to manager for approval. I asked HR and there is a due date mentioned on that process. Does that mean that if manager does not approve before the due date, my resignation is declined? What is the impact and what is meant by that due date? IBM
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What's so bad about "drinking the Kool Aid"?
What does an A3 in ts/deals make?
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Raise them. Artificially too low for too long anyway. We should be sitting at 2% by now anyway.
We never left the recession which was a depression.
Maybe some rich folks got richer, but my cost of living to quality of life has been the same.
Still speculation on Trumps (aka Paul Ryan's) policies. Won't know for a few months
Even if they raise it the rates will still be very low
Raise rates. Need to shake out inefficient capital. We are in another bubble. Better to deflate now than to pop it at some undetermined date in the future.
yeah know...
dipshit president gonna ruin it.