The person I’m seeing has been responding to my texts days later (only a recent development) and it’s making me anxious. They have been busy the past two weeks with PhD exams and their last message was them planning when they could see me again (in a really flirty way too), so logically I know the delay is not a sign of disinterest. But I have an anxious attachment style (if that’s not obvious) and my therapist is on leave right now, so I’m struggling. Do any of you have any advice?
Hey, not to send you into a spiral but I think it’s better to be prepared for what may be coming. As someone who has done a PhD with some serious exams, I think taking days to respond to a text is questionable at best. I still found time to call and text my bf at the time, even if I took a few hours to do it (and I am not a texter by any means).
If you guys aren’t serious and exclusive, then don’t read into it but also don’t be invested too much emotionally, just wait for them to be done with the exams and see if they are still interested.
If you were getting serious and this is a sudden change in behavior, well it’s not great news. Because at the end of the day, when we are really interested, we find those 30sec to respond even if it’s just to say that we are MIA because we are busy 🤷♀️
Ah thank you. I appreciate your kindness. I’ll do my best :,)
Also keep us posted!!
ah i will! not sure there will be much to keep you all posted about but fingers crossed :,)
just came here to update you all (albeit a bit delayed) that things are good now :) thank you all for your help!
Rising Star
How long have you been seeing each other / how many days have you been on?
Ugh so much easier said than done but I’ll try. Thank you :(
If this is a new thing, back off and let them come to you. It’s a game.
Ugh that’s what I’m doing but I’m so tired of games :( Thank you though :(