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Hi! I am looking for a new team within google for SWE role. I have been here for a little less than 2 years now. I’m mainly looking for a team with good wlb, supporting teammates and some opportunities for growth. I saw cloud alerting is hiring; I’ve heard horror stories about GCP; is every team with GCP the same. Anyone have an idea about alerting/alert manager teams within GCP? Google
Hi fellow g/x-ooglers , I have an interview for a product tech manager in google in upcoming weeks. I come from data science/BI background at Looking at job careers description it seemed like a mix of product and business intelligence role because there was a little mention of web tech. There’s a focus of building data product which I do at Amazon. HR material says it is a technical solutions consultant role, lot of data structures, web technologies. Is my profile relevant? How should I prepare Google
I'd decline the L4 and come back next year for L5.
I have bad experience with google interview too. It was my dream company, but the overall interview process made me rethink otherwise. Maybe we will do better without joining google, at least not now.
I don't know what you did the previous 10 years, but 5 years relevant experience and ~200k comp L4 PgM doesn't seem unreasonable to me....
That’s not direct reevant experience from Google POV. Interview performance matters a lot. Your interviewers have the possibility to say +/- 1 level and they didn’t.
The bar is also quite different for L4 vs L5 PgM (I’m an L5 interviewer). Comp seems reasonable for L4 IMO. And yes much harder these days with the recession looming to show off a competing offer. If I were you, I would also consider job security, benefits and perks. I would expect Google to let go TVC before FTEs…