This has been the worst week ever. Dumped on Monday. Head torn off by sr. mgr on Tuesday. Coming down with cold today. When can busy season be over

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🤗 hugs! So sorry!


Atleast Wednesday was good!😊


Dude wow .. You have our confirmation that what's going on is atypical, and you aren't going crazy - it's just the case of the "bad lucks" time :( sorry


Aww thanks everyone, appreciate the kind words.

@SS1 I don't think so, I guess she just didn't see it going any further is how I interpreted it unfortunately


Aw that's a really rough week OP I'm sorry


As they say, time heals all wounds. Keep your chin up!


Just means better things are headed your way!


Trump is president tomorrow


And AS1, that fits in perfectly with everything else I suppose


Did work have anything to do with being dumped (I.e. SO was unwilling to deal with another busy season never seeing each other)?

Sorry to hear this. Huhs and stay strong. Hope you feel better soon!


Hugs OP! It can only get better from here :-)

By far a shitty week so far. Sorry you are ha ing it rough.

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