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This is the bowl fishbowl was made for!!!
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Should prostitution be legal? Why or why not?
Should have been jail time actually. This way Q morons would realize there are serious consequences for voter fraud:
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unlock all discussions on Fishbowl.
Pretty much what I expected.
We can be friends
Not centrist either
100% genuinely in the "more freedom and respect for people, more responsibility & regulation for corporations" quadrant
Got about what I expected
I’m not too surprised. Looks like I’m pretty much the left version of you (I.e., we fall on the same place with respect to libertarian but I’m slightly left of center). Some of those questions were hard to answer though. Would have liked to answer “it’s complicated” or “it depends” instead of “agree” or “disagree” in some cases.
Forgot the picture
Would agree, it seems heavily geared to reclassify ppl as left. Getting into the right / authoritarian quadrants seems to require a "Women should be homemakers and we should encourage multinationals that exploit people for the sake of shareholder profits"
Realistically - pretty much none of us in here would be fringe left on a balanced scale.
There’s some crazy people out there. Most are more centrist than they would think.
Found moral foundations questionnaire on to be pretty good in case anyone is interested. Takes about 15 minutes.
This one is clunkier in every aspect but I will say I was surprised by my results around equity and equality.
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Conversation Starter
Here’s where I stand
In my experience, it’s more illustrative how you think about the average person. For example, “The average person needs strong external incentives in order to try to better themselves or their family’s situation.” Conservatives would agree, liberals would disagree.
About what I expected