This is my laptop. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My laptop is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it as I master my life. Without me, my laptop is useless. Without my laptop, I am useless. Before God, I swear this creed. My laptop and I are the defenders of the capital markets.

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Okay... someone is going crazy here


This is my laptop this is my gun... this is for working, this for fun. Lol


Seems like most everyone here is too young to understand. I thought it is hilarious!


Why is it on the floor? Were you jumping on it?



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Hooo rahhhh


Get a hobby


I bet it keeps you warm


Have this laptop. Can confirm.


why dont you just marry it




Ole bess

Big 4 really love to copy each other... we have the same.


Big 4 has no personality

Lolol clearly most people here don't understand the reference. Love it!


Oh Lord!


You know they would change your laptop anytime

I wish they allowed steam on it

Am I wrong or do all the B4 use this same laptop?

Follow it

Good for you man

Semper Fidelas!

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