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Visual Storyteller
Oh y'all...
The exclusivity of quality education is what perpetuates class divisions and prevents upward mobility.
The answer is the public funding of higher education regardless of income.
Yeah and it’s fucked up and I disagree with what he did.
Rising Star
What an unhelpful, ignorant, privileged position to take. Just because some of us have found success in life doesn't mean others were able to; people fail to pay off their loans for a variety of reasons, many of which are caused by inequities in opportunities, societal structure, etc.
The loans were originated by the government; it is by definition within the government's power and position to provide relief. What possible, informed reason could you have to be against such relief for those who are struggling?
Before you spread your uninformed opinions, do some research. This thing called Google was invented 18 years ago. Maybe you've heard of it. Here's one of the dozens of outlets fact-checking the kinds of arguments you're touting:
Lay off the salt
Visual Storyteller
Last night I went for dinner to a restaurant that I knew I could not afford and took an uber to get there. I could have walked to a restaurant near home where similar meal is within my budget.
While I was there I decided to not look at any of the specials and ordered whatever.
I think my restaurant bill from last night should be forgiven. I mean who cares about the choices I made.
Your employees hate you FYI
College should be free.
Community college is free
Government itself created the problem. Universities hike up tuition since the government was guaranteeing these loans. College should be free or at least affordable to the average person. It’s in the best interest of a nation to have an educated population.
Interesting take. Following that reasoning, can we expect you to be in favor of dismantling the mortgage loan interest deduction and child tax credits/deductions as well? Why should I be helping homeowners and parents?
Hell, why should I pay for public schools at all? Send your cretins to private schools and pay the whole tab yourselves.
I don’t have a huge problem with forgiveness in theory. The implementation here was pretty shitting - the income cap is too high, the amount per borrower is too low - I have no idea what they were going for other than buying votes. People who make $250k don’t need loan forgiveness, nor should they receive. Some guy making $50k 10 years out of school with a $70k loan balance should get more than $10k.
The image is fucking stupid - yes that person has taken a loss - they expected $400, not $300. No one loans &300 to be only get $300 back in the future. If I sell a good for $50 that costs me $30, are you really saying that the if the client only pays $30 after receiving the product that the $20 was just “didn’t exist”? Because that’s the exact equivalent.
I rather have my taxes help citizens of the United States, and not foreign wars. We all don’t get what we want I guess.
GM1 - I can imagine you also agree with the war in Iraq, because who knows if they had nuclear weapons? War in Afghanistan..the death of Gaddafi, and countless others.
When does your rationalizing for war stop? No, Seriously? Will you compare everything to the Holocaust?
It’s super easy for you to say, “YES WE MUST FUND THE WARS! WE MUST GO FIGHT! “from your armchair. Have you served our great country?
How about you take your energy and help the people in our country first before you go try to be a white knight.
As someone that is in year 17 of paying off my loans, I agree. I have been responsible and went without a lot of the trips and dinners in my 20s to pay for it. I am ok with something like the program they have now for certain professions where you pay 10% of your wages for 10 years and then the remainder is forgiven. But straight up forgiving will teach neither the universities nor the students and their parents anything. College costs need to come down and this will have the opposite effect.
It’s a consequence of the way the Reagan administration slashed public funding and pushed individual loans instead. This has caused tuition to skyrocket in a way that salaries have not matched. It’s easy to blame individual students for being short sighted, but it is a systematic where colleges have little oversight for their costs and are happy to take in 18 year old kids into majors they know they will never recoup their investment on.
Prior to Trump, Reagan was somewhat of a hero to the GOP. It's ironic that things that "conservatives" poopoo on, such as immigrants from the southern border and college loan forgiveness, are issues that stem from Reagan's policies.
Rising Star
I generally agree but I think college should also be more affordable (but not free). I went to an in-state school, and it was expensive (but still a fraction of the cost of a private school).
Visual Storyteller
M1 let it go...
SC is having a temper tantrum and needs a nap.
Visual Storyteller
Me too... Hahaha!
Bye SC!
Rising Star
Back to this again! Come on.
We were all told a college degree was a golden ticket, no matter what the degree was in. You are lucky you figured everything out in time but many others didn’t and shouldn’t suffer the rest of their lives as a result
This is bigger than you and your experience. I’m glad you were so enlightened at such a young age but not everyone is.
Nah. The long term solution is to force universities to be accountable for the costs and poor value they deliver. Not write them even more blank checks to further inflate their operating costs.
All this forgiveness is doing is funding the next assistant dean of whatever at a campus near you.
And there’s no plan for the future either. Will we do this indefinitely?
I won’t celebrate any short term feel good policies that do nothing to address root causes and actually make them worse.
OP at least we’re spending the money helping out our own citizens rather than sending the money abroad or funding another war. This is a small price compared to those costs.
Im a swe with a degree in gender studies. I don’t want ppt jockies talking about shit on this topic. Please fix inane slides and let adults handle this.
If this were how things worked, very few people would be able to work for non-profits or the government. I think we want our best and brightest in those positions whenever possible.
The way they do it in Canada is good. We have much lower tuition fees, and they are significantly lower for Canadian residents vs international. Then, there is a loan forgiveness plan if you are below a certain income level or disabled. Not everyone gets forgiveness. Additionally, you have to apply for a specific loan and get approved at the outset. But it would be highly unlikely to have more than 50K in loans because tuition is lower so they are less crippling. I think it’s capped at a certain level.
But generally yes I think people should be responsible for their loans unless they are in dire circumstances. I would hate it if the government paid off loans for just anyone.
I think people should be responsible for their debt but - the government should maybe cap the total max loan volume for types of degrees which don’t lead to paying careers - and - they should maybe negotiate with the schools what a reasonable tuition would be. Lots of schools also have their own bursary or sponsorship programs, so lower income students should try to take advantage of those.
I mean like, if you choose to study philosophy and now work at Starbucks, well, I think you should pay your loan. But, if you are on welfare or suffer from a disability or serious mental illness, or there is something else that makes it difficult in your life, I think it’s appropriate to compassionately forgive. If your unemployed I think it’s okay to pause the loan.
At the same time, if your a government loan program and you gave someone 100K for undergrad philosophy and they could have gone to the same quality school for 30K I think we need to be asking the government wtf they were thinking.
I’m against forgiveness, but some of the people with a lot of debt chose career paths like law or medicine that pay really good and can pay it off. But the liberal arts/cultural studies majors who can’t find meaningful employment, that’s completely on them for picking a degree that has poor career prospects
A well functioning society has room for people to study all majors. Like public transportation, it shouldn’t need to be profitable to serve its base level function. Expecting government to run and organize itself like a business is a logical fallacy since government can do things businesses cannot.