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Monster India is thrilled to launch T.R.I.U.M.P.H - India’s first ‘Diversity & Inclusion’ event.
The event includes:
✔️10+ live sessions by India’s eminent women speakers
✔️ TechnoDiva - Women's only Hackathon to find the ‘Best Woman Coder in India’ & win prizes up to INR 20 Lakhs
✔️15K+ job opportunities in India’s 200+ top companies exclusively for Women, LGBTQ+ and PwD community.
We look forward to seeing you at the event !
Register here :
#diversityandinclusion #equalitycantwait

“People in Toronto are really loving this billboard right now.” Why? Just why, NFA? I’m not sure what I’m more upset about, the creative or the obvious attempt to make a bland piece of creative something people care about by pushing advertorials about that bland creative that makes it sound like the next coming of Benetton.
“I was pleasantly surprised, though because I'm cis gender and a boomer. “ says Boomer that’s actually a 28 year old social media manager.

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Knowing how bro-centric Grey's creative department is, this feels like a lame attempt to join the "girl power" movement. Hey @Grey recruiters, how about bringing in a more diverse work force, then you'll be more qualified to put these cute diversity logos on your briefs. ✌🏼
How can we make the work reflect diversity? We’ll African Americans make up 13% of the population so we’ll put them in 13% of our ads. Or maybe nearly 50% of the popular vote went to Donald Trump so we’ll make sure half of our ads resonate with their values and beliefs. I don’t think representative diversity means what you want it to mean.
Am I a cynical asshole? This just seems like pure PR Bandwagonning to me. Is the idea that work wont go forward as "on brief" unless it promotes diversity in the world? Like every single instagram post for cat food or call sheet for a Mop n Glo demo video? It just seems like exploiting the zeitgeist for PR (like they had a meeting and said "how can we publically show that we're one of the good ones?" "Do we have any female creative directors we can ask? No? What do you think one would say?")
I think this is a good step forward. Is it perfect? No. Is it the sum total of all things they could do (including hiring more diversely, etc)? No. But they worked with the 3% org who I respect. They are taking an actual agency wide step that affects all work. Maybe it won’t work, but it’s a tangible move forward and I respect their strategy group for doing it. And all people do is bitch and moan. All problem spotting, very limited problem solving. Don’t think it’s enough? Propose something at your agency that builds on it. Wish that it also affected hiring? Great. Volunteer for a committee to help drive diversity in hiring at your agency. Every small step forward is still a step forward. So make more of them. Don’t just trash the ones people are attempting.
AD1: Amen!
This is stupid.