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Hi All, Today I've resigned and my LOD is 2 Sept. Can anyone please let me know for these 90 days salary would be credited only after FnF. Or June'22 salary will be credited as usual, however, July and September salary would be credited during FnF. Please confirm or suggest.
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Hi nyc boys 😏
I ❤️ NY

Queer 🐠 @ DU this week?
Dear future bf, where are you?
The lack of vax didn't stop me before, still doesn't now.
I only hooked up after I got my vaccine. I don't have a problem with other people's decision, to or not to hookup, but I have a problem with guys who could not respect my decision to not hookup until I was vaccinated. I could literally say "nah I don't feel like it" before COVID and most guys would be like "ok cool let me know" 😆
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I’m 33 and haven’t had a lot of sex in my life. However, that will change because my hoe phase will commence two weeks after getting my second dose this Friday (per CDC's guidance). Where are the boys at? Call me. Beep me. Reach me.
Call me?
Like, are gay mean seriously not hooking up because of Covid?
We boinked like rabbits during the whole aids epidemic, and now covid slayed us?
OP, and people died from AIDS. I think a major difference now is more of us no longer are pushed to a fringe of society/can no longer be legally be discriminated against for various things now like job, health, housing.
i am def hooking up again
Yea I never stopped.