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Doing the same for Harvard lol
Stats/work experience? You may have a chance
Yeah most folks don’t realize that it’s a black box. You may as well shoot your shot. The class sizes are huge and you probably have a much better shot at H/W than winning the lottery.
How are you navigating the additional LORs? I feel bad asking my recommenders to write more
You give them wine
Wharton thanks you for the free money.
Everyone should apply to 1-2 “reach” schools, but definitely shouldn’t waste money on “out-of-reach” schools. If you don’t have the stats or don’t have the experience/story, you have 0% chance of getting in.
Those things aren’t subjective in that you pretty much know how to adjust that metric for your personal circumstances depending on the avg profile for that school.
E.g. when comparing to the average GPA at an M7, if you have a STEM degree you can add +0.2 to your GPA, if you went to a regular state school, you subtract 0.2 from your GPA, etc.
To those asking I have an above median Gre from latest class profile and solid work experience + sponsorship but my GPA is 3.5 in business from a large avg state school, done have any “extraordinary” experiences, and I’m white male. So wouldn’t say 0% chance but it is def below avg
Would definitely apply. I think you have a strong profile