Time closure. It sucks. Firm just instituted a policy that everyone has to close time weekly (instead of monthly). Is this common in BigLaw? Any crazy onerous requirements at your firms?

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That’s not crazy onerous. If I go more than a day or two, I largely forget what I did, or I feel like I can’t possibly justify billing 4 hours to a matter for basically answering emails. This is a blessing in disguise. I can almost guarantee you’ll see your hours go up.




Bi-weekly pre-covid; now it’s daily. Honestly, daily is better. Keeps me on track and accountable. Having to enter two weeks’ worth of time is a nightmare and now I don’t end up in that position.


Temporary time codes - they don’t get released until a proper account has been opened

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Am I the only one who closes my time on a daily basis before I log off for the day...?


@A3, I do this, but in excel, which I then use to auto-add the time for each matter at the end of the day.


Both biglaw firms I’ve worked at had weekly time deadlines. Monthly sounds generous (and while nice, would probably be a disaster for procrastinators like myself).

After years of always being behind I finally got into the habit of logging time daily and life is great now.


3 days for my firm...


yep. this is me too @mofo

At my first firm, you lost direct deposit privileges if you missed the time closure deadline and had to pick up your check from the managing partner.
Current firm, you get $ deducted from your paycheck if you’re late.


I’m cracking up at the thought of forcing an associate to get a paper check because they were late on time entry. What an asinine punishment.


We’re required to close out time daily by the next day (used to be 2 day delay pre-covid but still daily) and that’s also the case at some other firms since covid.



We need all our time in by the following monday, except for month-end when we need to get all time in by that day. That's probably for the better though, because otherwise I have NO CLUE what I did 3 days ago.


Going in-house because of this nonsense. Looking forward to no more billable requirements.




I’m so bad at this. I am good for a few days and then fall off the wagon. I have time and notes, but sloppy narratives. Last thing I want to do after a 14 hour day is admin work.


I’ve gotten into the habit of entering my time the moment I complete a task. This was *not* an easy adjustment, but got easier over time to the point it’s become instinctual. Moving to daily timekeeping (and incentivizing associates to comply by offering bonuses for perfect/near-perfect timekeeping habits) got me to initially make the plunge at my old firm.

Even though I’m now a at firm with monthly timekeeping, I still favor contemporaneous billing. Writing down my time immediately allows me to make fulsome billing entries that are rarely cut or challenged. I think it’s something everyone should *try* to do but understand that’s much easier said than done.


Monthly here. Penalties if late. Like everything, one’s own experience colors their take. Sure, I would get it in daily if it was, say, 10 things. Definitely if it was just one or two things. I saw a litigation partner’s timesheet once and for a 250-hour month, it was the same matter and a simple narrative each day. Saw something similar for an M&A partner once. Most partners I work with only are dealing with about 5 different things per day and it mostly shuts off by the early evening. Fine, that is easy. In my case, though, my practice is a whirlwind of dozens of billable things that I constantly am switching between and dealing with, all before I try to sleep. I work hard to track it all day but the tracked info usually requires preparation to get it in a state ready for the system, and then actually entering it in the system takes a long time. One might ask why I don’t have my assistant help. My assistant is incapable of doing anything an 80s-era robot could not do, so, since there often are codes for different kinds of tasks (a brutally terrible thing, by the way), changing matters, items we don’t have a matter for right away, some judgment on how to frame, etc., I either have to answer hundreds of questions and risk having it get in late or screwed up or do it myself.


Get used to it because it’ll be daily in a few years for big law (I predict).


Yes very common


Ours is daily.


My firm did this - loosely enforced but it’s awful. When I was an associate I was like, yeah I guess it’s fair if the partners want to monitor productivity, even though it’s a pain. Now that I’m a partner I feel like if I want to enter my time at the end of the month, so what, so long as it’s submitted before bills are processed.


Every 2 weeks

Weekly pre-covid. During covid switched to 3 days

Within 48 hours for my firm but there’s also a weekly requirement of end of day Tuesday for the prior week.

We close mine every day. It’s not a big deal. You really shouldn’t be updating time a month later?? How would you even know what you did.

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