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Do a monthly budget and stick to it. Read Dave Ramsey.
Don't compare yourself to the people around you. I make 3x what some of my friends make and keep my budget much tighter. I value saving and paying off my loans. I don't need a nice car.
Check out You Need A Budget. My wife and I read Dave Ramsey to get motivated and then started to use YNAB. The transformation is mind blowing
Use mint. You can try zero dollar budgeting where "every dollar has a job", but it never really worked for me. What was eye opening was mapping out my fixed/essential expenses (rent, insurance, student loans, food, etc) against my paycheck and seeing how much money was left (waaay more than I thought) and then getting an idea for how much I piss away on stupid shit every month. That lead me to change my direct deposit and send a percentage straight to a savings account that I don't touch. I still have a decent bucket of "fuck around money" but at least I know my savings is taken care of first.
Budgeting is a great tool to make sure you're not going wildly out of control, but I'm a big believer in really only focusing on controlling the big things (car, house, major luxuries). A little sacrifice there will have a much bigger impact than worrying about little things (which, by the way, is where budgeting can get really stressful).
YNAB + Personal Capital. Save and invest a preset amount with each pay check.
Dave Ramsey!! Check out
Learnvest bool and tool