Tired of a certain coworker looking at their watch when I start to pack up and leave for the day. Sorry for having a family that I enjoy being around and when was the last time I didn’t deliver?

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I understand completely as I am on a different and much earlier schedule than most of my coworkers. I recommend that If you want to get revenge, look at your watch when they arrive in the morning 👿


Are you sure they’re judging you for leaving or just their conditioned way of checking the time to know it’s about time to leave? Did something happened or are you just assuming?


People seem to think working longer means working harder/better. 🤷‍♀️


I’ll look at the time because I didn’t realize it was time to go. Then I’m right behind you! Not literally


Just do you. It doesn’t matter what other people think, especially if your performance is on par


It gets bad when management also thinks this way. So even good work isn’t enough

Wow this is everyone in my office


I’m someone who doesn’t usually have something I need to get to at a certain time after work. When someone else leaves, I check the time because it signals I need to remind myself it’s COB and I need to also leave soon.

Say something.

hmmmm...our teams are always on, so we don’t concern ourselves with this type of thing. And I’m assuming most agency people are the same, so really curious if this is a personal issue or misread? I’d love to know what they say if you asked them about their behavior. They might just be checking their schedule since you make moves at a time of the day when they do..... it could mean they think of you as a leader....#justsayin

This person never leaves when I do and the goodbyes are forced. You can just feel the awkwardness. I’ll say something next time it happens.


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