To piggyback on the last post, what were your company hookups?

2 copywriters
1 strat
1 receptionist

All my friends who knew the copywriters thought “move on, they’re impossible”.

Posting as :
works at
You are currently posting as works at

0 copywriters
0 ADs
0 Strategy
0 CDs / GCDs / ECDs / CCOs
0 Account
0 Interns
0 Producers
0 HR or Finance


This is gross.


New Biz Director
Tech Director
all single.
got all the ho out of my system that year!


some interns are in their 30's, Judgy McJudgerson.


One Intern. Happened before they became an intern and it was super awkward when we got put on a project together.

One Account Director.

One CW, who I married.


1 SVP lmao


It isn’t okay to sleep with interns, regardless of gender or orientation. (Not talking to you, GSD1, I realize that wasn’t your situation.)


@SC1 thanks for clarifying and yes I agree. Interns off limits! It was awkward because it was my first job out of school and I was being very conscientious...then my past showed up in the form of an intern.


Yeah, I’ve had interns older than me. That doesn’t make it okay. The scales are tipped too far in your favor for it to be a decent thing to do. You can at least wait.


I’m too ugly for all those shenanigans


You’re SUCH a stud OP. You’re sooooooo cool.


One crazy AS and no one else in the industry ever again. You never who will take a hook up and turn into an emotionally insecure stalker.


My boss, who has a GF he’s now married to
Junior account guy
Strategy Director
And the director of a shoot I was on 🙊


It’s refreshing to see this thread. I’m 100% a #metoo supporter. Lets not forget that consensual sex between two grown-ass folks is fun!


Why were they impossible?

@copywriter 1 both CWs were unanimously out of my league

Messing around with creatives is playing with fire. Can blow up in your face. We have way too many emotions. I don’t recommend that to anyone.

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