To those of you resistant to family cars - I’m a sports car driving, fast car loving, low to the ground kind of mom-to-be. (e.g. no back seat, no back doors). Obvi I need to get a new car but what isn’t too large, makes sense for a 3 person family (no more kids coming), while not sacrificing my need for speed and desire for a smaller/low to the ground/well handling ride? So far considering an S4 /S5, 3 or 4 series. Back doors seems to be a requirement for getting in and out of a car seat huh!🙄

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I highly recommend the Uru

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We have a golf R. Might want to give it a shot?

The new electric Cadillac is sexy. Or a Porche Panamera maybe?

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brand new to this! any recs for apps to help track progression & show what calendar week is aligned with what gestational week, etc?


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Here 28 weeks pregnant and tired of hearing you would need to do this for better lactation, you would have sleepless nights. Can a new mother not figure out on her own with the right scientific knowledge ? Is it important to go by what your parents , in-laws or known ones tell you ?
