Trying to convince a brand to do some good in the world. What are some segments of the population that have been disproportionately affected by COVID? The more specific the better

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Black people, specifically in places like Georgia and Louisiana I believe


Corporate opportunism is running rampant especially if you’re entering a conversation that has no relevance to your brand. Maybe start with understanding a brands consumers and then investigate how those folks are impacted by covid. Playing pin the tail on the marginalized population will likely come off as far less genuine and therefore less impactful. If the brands audience/consumer base is big enough or mission is defined enough the next steps should hopefully fall in to place for you


Minorities, front line workers, the unemployed, delivery drivers, food workers and refugees come to mind but looking for examples that aren't so front page headlines. Thanks yall!


Moms with kids at home. They’re working from home, teaching their kids, keeping a house clean, worrying about the health and safety of the family, cooking more meals at home, etc. NYTimes did a report on how they’re experiencing really high levels of stress on top of trying to help their children cope with all of this. I think they’re highly underappreciated (this coming from a single woman with no children and basically no responsibilities, I wouldn’t be able to do what they do)

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Post your - Salary - City - Years of experience - If You've Won Awards.

Fishbowl will circulate the data once we've reached 200 responses, so make sure to share with your coworkers.


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