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Advising Bowl, I (Mech. Eng. Junior) have been told not to bother applying to summer internships if the *posting* date is more than three weeks old. Can any hiring professionals or advisors speak to the veracity of this?
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Hi everyone! I am a graphic and website designer and on the hunt for a new job. I’ve worked for an agency as the creative manager for the past five years and they don’t pay well or offer benefits. I’ve been searching for 2 1/2 months and only one interview. So I’m reaching out for some feedback. I realize my resume is long but I have 20 years under my belt, and I’m not sure how to trim it down. Resume:
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Testing tomorrow study for a bit or nah?
Weekend study tips - need em
Best methods to study for BEC?
Any tips on how to improve on SIMs for FAR?
Is FAR doable in a month?
Any tips/advice on how to study for FAR?
Dont have any areas that you are completely blind on. It's better to be meh in two areas than amazing in one and horrible in another.
Good luck
Same. Also - if anyone has qbi or amt tips LMK
QBI is so confusing to me. The way I understand it is that if the income is earned through a flow through entities (partnership, s Corp, sole prop) then its included. If you’re MFJ and your taxable income is < $326,600 then you just take 20% of your QBI income. Still trying to work through if you’re over the $326,600 threshold though.
I think for AMT be comfortable with what is an adjustment and preference.
The QBI sim in mock 1 was the most clear and helpful for me. Goes through every single scenario. That said I took REG Sat and didn’t get a SINGLE QBI question and maybe 1 question on AMT... might have just been the luck of the draw but I wouldn’t worry too much about those topics as opposed to entity transactions/basis.
Well you’re not alone! I felt like they were tough I swear I went back and forth so much trying to see where everything went and just couldn’t put the pieces together