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Waiting for next Friday🔥🫠
I’ve had the hiccups for two days straight -_-
Bad take Tuesday on the fish bowl
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They’re typing would’ve phonetically
Ahh. I see.
Should of, could of, would of.
Shoulda, woulda, coulda
Great poem too btw
That’s like people who think “whoa” is spelled as “woah”
So I’m just gon stay quiet?
I’m from the south, I bastardized the hell out the English language. Evvthing I text or say is an offense to your eyes or ears. 😂
😂😂😂😂 lol! I remember when I first visited Texas and someone pronounced Tuesday like "Tues--deee". I was like 😬😭
While we are it, it's "You're welcome" not "Your welcome".
Is this an American thing? Never seen someone type “would of” … I would cringe
“All y’all” is definitely acceptable (I’m also from TX)
I’ll even go so far as “y’all’ll” for “y’all will”