Hello fishes,
I'm a Business Analyst with 1.2 years of experience and currently, I'm trying to switch to a different organization.
I have worked on and have been part of various analysis and case studies in my current project and have experience working on Bridge Insurity tool, Python , SQL ,C#, .NET, Data Structures and Algorithms.
Please let me know if there are any related opportunities in your firm.
Nice try Carolyn Goodman
Rising Star
Short answer: it’s not worse than the disease. Run a cost benefit analysis. According to economists/federal govt, 1 life is worth $10M. Epidemiologists estimate that the economic shutdown would save 1M lives. That’s $10 trillion worth of returns (yes with a T).
This means for the cure to be worse than the disease, the US economic output (GDP) would have to be reduced by 50% as a result of the shutdowns (2019 GDP is ~$20T).
That ain’t happening.
You don’t think you produce more revenue than what your salary is? Sounds like you need a pay cut actually
Have you seen the latest antibody testing results from New York?
I think there would have been ways to isolate people in the more at risks categories vs isolating everyone.
Understandably, we have to make decisions based on the data available - thus quarantine.
My statement is strictly based on opinion not facts.
You spelled “wrong” incorrectly
Not based on historical evidence.
The first and last humps are with social distancing measures. The middle one is without.
Yup! The one that helped found three schools and vocational training centers that have been active for 19 years as well! I’ve worked way more directly with the UN over two decades so not just relying on one article to help drive a very political, over simplified and one sided narrative. 😊
Just because an opinion is not popular does not make it wrong.
D1 - You are factually wrong. This is speculative and therefore OP cannot be proven wrong on an opinion
I mean yeah if the cure works it’s worse than the disease. But if it doesn’t because we don’t commit, the disease will be way worse than “cure” efforts currently in place or being proposed
This guy gets it. It should feel like an extreme overreaction if it works. We won’t know what the spread and devastation would have been if unmitigated but that’s the point
I don't envy the decision makers in any of this, no easy decisions here tbh. But to think that 3,4,5 years from now, some of us on here will still be dealing with the outcome of this pandemic just shows how grave the situation is
Well yeah, I mean...it’s a pandemic. It’ll have long reaching impact. Earth, ya know, sh*t happens.
Rising Star
Hard to say.
Completely novel situations with serious consequences are always an exercise in best-effort, fingers-crossed decision-making.
I think the better metric is, “are we making the best decisions we can based on the best information we have?“. And that one’s not much easier to figure out right now.
This is a good way to look at it. Probably the best way without going by fear or gut feeling
Conversation Starter
I'm not saying you're wrong, but can you elaborate why?
OP I agree with you
My father in law’s death certificate says he died of a heart attack. He had a heart attack because he had really lost his battle with non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. When people ask we say he died of cancer.
As a survivor of COVID-19, this virus is a beast. It is like nothing you have ever had before. You don’t want it. Now if I died of pneumonia that I got because of the virus, I still died of the virus. There shouldn’t be an investigation. Fortunately I was lucky and am not dead yet.
I am also about to go have my antibodies checked. So for everyone who wants vaccines you can have one. For everyone else I hope you don’t suffer how I did. If you have a weakness in your body, known or unknown, this virus exploits it. Good luck.
I do think that social distancing is absolutely required. And without it, our hospital systems would have been overwhelmed
Y'all who still think Fauci's plan all along hasn't been herd immunity are weak. It's run its course thru the nursing homes in wave 1, it's time for us healthy chaps to get back out there and prepare to get sick.
And hope the hospital and vent surge were enough to cover what's about to happen
Don’t know. Last night one work colleague and one friend from elementary school lost their fathers to COVID.
I have been sick with the virus for 3 weeks. Finally getting over it. Wonder what permanent damage I have to my lungs and heart from this.
I have no idea if in 2-3 years if I feel the cure was worse then the disease because the diseases has been pretty eff’ing bad.
Zombie outbreak bad?
What does this even mean
KPMG - because vaccines have been researched for decades and science knows they do not kill kids or cause autism, but covid-19 is new and we don't know much about it yet.